Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Thursday!
- 2 more days to get any missing work in from the 3rd quarter! After Friday the 3rd quarter is over and we only worry about the 4th quarter.
- SkillsUSA prep:
- Paperwork?
- Did you tell your teachers?
- Are you on a Animation / Web Design team, and do you have a ride lined up for Thursday, April 6th? Plan to walk into CAWD at 7:30. It will be early, but it is a pretty fun experience. Kind of like a rollercoaster as you are battling the prompt and the clock. Bring coffee!
- Game Teams arrive at 9:40 as normal.
- Good luck to Brennan at accepted students day this weekend in Florida at Ringling – take photos to share. Seriously. Bergeron – you will be by yourself for the 2nd half of Skills this week, make sure you and Brennan work hard today.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 Week 28 SkillsUSA Work

Create your folder on the public drive in your competition folder with work product by 12:15 Friday.

- Bevins / Lamotte
- O’neal / Spofford
- Ariel / Noble
- Murray / Rice
- Bergeron / Brennan
Create a character animation with the first line of “Rendezvous with Rama“ by Arthur C. Clarke.
Sooner or later, it was bound to happen
You must create a character that uses both armatures and shape keys, and includes at least two facial close-ups to express two different emotions.
Render, edit, and upload as “lastNameLastNameRama.mp4” into your team folder.

- Bright / Pine
- Granger / Aiden
- Xavier / Zimmerman
- Asa / Eli
- Finn / Jered
- Brodey / Schuyler
- Josh / Ben
- Lance / Mimi
- Blow / Palagonia
Next week is the Vermont State Game Design competition!
I think at this point we don’t worry about getting anything NEW in your games, we perfect and polish what you have. If you feel confident, keep creating, but at some point we need to pivot to the presentation. Speaking of the presentation…
You will get 10 minutes with the judge next week. Total. Timed. How you use your time is up to you. Some teams that have multiplayer support are going to want to spend more time on gameplay (think Asa and Eli). Some teams that are VR based may want to talk about the technology and how to maneuver in the world (Josh/Ben/Nick/Aiden). All the teams are in different directions, so your 10 minute presentation will different, but you only get 10 minutes – literally timed – to do present whatever you wish to the judge.
This week we should really think about your presentation. Maybe 1 of 2 partners works on the game, while the other partner works on the presentation.
Here is the official scorecard that will be used by the judge. Look at what they are scoring. Make sure that elements for each domain are showing up in your presentation:

Start thinking about what your 10 minute presentation should be – script it out, write down times, figure out what needs to happen at minute 1, at minute 4, at minute 6.
Mr. Bohmann and I strongly recommend that you write up a specific GDD for your team (using some of the info from the CAWD GDD) and print out a copy. I can print out a copy for you if you put it on the public.
Check your CAWD Game Design Document.
Check out the CAWD Game Design Alpha Feedback.
As always I will be comparing what you get done to what you put in the above CAWD GDD for this weeks Skills grade. Adjust as GDD as necessary with what you and your partner actually work on.
We are NOT having all the teams at states create a trailer for their game, that will be reserved for the Gold Medal team that is competition at Nationals.
Upload assets by Friday at lunch.

- Emma / Garrett
- Sparky / Logan
- St. Pierre / Peters
- Batres / Mathieson
See Mr. Bohmann’s CAWD2 Dayplan.
10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minute break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
10:45 English

11:35 Week 28 SkillsUSA Work

12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article
12:50 1984

1:10 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minute break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
1:20 Afternoon Production

- Design Homework 28: Baseline Portrait
- “(lastName)DH28.jpg”
- Educational History in a table
- folder called “table”
Work on Skills work as well!
Everyone check gradebook and turn in any missing work, you have 2 days left in the quarter!
1:55 Dailies

2:00 Dismissal