Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Welcome to Week 17 and 2023! Info I need:
- Who went the farthest? (I went to Essex, I live in Underhill, it was glorious.)
- Who went to 2 or more different mountains to ski or snowboard?
- Anyone go to a live concert, and if so what did you see where?
- Who saw Avatar 2? Any good?
- Today we are going to do some review in Blender, some review in Illustrator, and some review in hand drawing with 3 point perspective – this time looking down on our subject.
- No Agency this week. If you have “extra” time this week:
- Improve the first draft of your SkillsUSA Pin Design. We will continue working on this in preparation for submission to the judges soon.
- Improve and finalize your corals and fishes. We will be sharing and building our Coral Reefs Thursday and Friday of this week as our CAWD project.
- Tomorrow morning Emmy is coming in to help set students up for earning college credit during our Web Design 2nd semester. When not working with Emmy plan on working on your Design Homework, Pin Design, Corals, Fishes, or a side project. She will be here from the start of class until 11.
- We will also have 3 visitors tomorrow from 10-10:30! Students working with visitors:
- Kevin
- John
- Richard
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 Blender Switch Project

Gordon Ramsey is a celebrity cook who runs different cooking competitions. His schtick is being a mean task manager – but it is interesting in that this is North American persona. If you watch his shows made for the UK market, he is much nicer, calmer, etc. Don’t take what the media is telling you as “the truth”. Everyone has their agenda, the sooner you learn to spot it the better.
One of his competitions is a “Switch” event, where in teams they create a dish but only 1 person can “touch” any of the cooking implements at any one time.
Communication is key, going back and forth, during the rotations.
You are going to work with a partner today on this type of a Switch project. Partners:
- Jered / Bergeron
- Rice / Ariel
- Sparky / Xavier
- Kevin / Logan
- Mimi / Josh
- Andrew / John
- Chris / Peters
- Brodey / Joshua
- Nick / Brennan
- Aiden / Philip
- Jerry / Ben
- Finn / Alex
Move to one computer. Pick a student to be in the first rotation.
Here is how this works:
- I am going to show you a topic to recreate as accurately as you can. Think of your career role here as a modeler for a game / animation.
- The first student starts creating in Blender, but there should be constant communication between the two partners. How should you create it? How DO you do that tool or process? Constant communication.
- When I yell out “switch” – you switch who is touching. Have to switch right then and the next partner takes over.
- At 10:30 I will create a folder on the public for your render to be placed. Call your file “lastNameLastName.jpg“.
- We will present right after break.
This review project gets us working with following directions, working collaboratively, get a quick and dirty review of Blender, work with our network drives, and hit deadlines.
10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
10:45 Illustrator Review / Superhero logos

We are going to work on creating new documents, placing images, using the pen and curvature tools, and exporting for screens.
After we get some practice with Batman, you are going to create your own superhero logo based on existing IP (intelectual property) in pop culture.
Create and place in the folder labeled “superHero” by the time specified. Call your file “lastName.jpg”, and we will present to see if we can tell what you have created.
11:35 Sketching

Today we are going to start to work on our final element of our perspective unit, which is 3 point perspective where we look down on the subject.
12:00 DH 17: 3pt Perspective looking down / birds eye view

This week I want you to take your sketchbook and create a birds eye view of a city inspired sketch. Before vacation we looked up at the subject in an attempt to show the scale, this time we are going to look down to give the illusion that the “camera” is high above a scene.
Save your file as “lastNameDH17.jpg“. This will be due next Monday.
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article
12:50 A Gentleman in Moscow

- Follow along as I read; lose yourself in a story for a bit.
- One of the strengths of this book are “beautifully rendered scenes“. You will be creating art based off of the text. Listen attentively.
1:10 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
1:20 Afternoon Production

- Design Homework 17 / Birds eye view of city
- “lastNameDH17.jpg”
No Agency this week. If you have “extra” time this week:
- Improve the first draft of your SkillsUSA Pin Design. We will continue working on this in preparation for submission to the judges soon.
- Improve and finalize your corals and fishes. We will be sharing and building our Coral Reefs Thursday and Friday of this week as our CAWD project.
1:55 Dailies

2:00 Dismissal