Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Happy Birthday Andrew!
- Today is a WHITE day at CTE. No CTE academics.
- Callbacks:
- Aiden to Science (make up from Tuesday)
- Callbacks:
- Today is an EHS early release. Certain EHS students will leave for lunch at 11:55 today.
- Not a big article about thew new eSports arena at Champlain College – maybe something else out we can read shortly.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 Transferable and Employability Skills

Transferable and Employability Skills – often referred to as your “T&E” grade – are where you are assessed on professional workplace behavior. These business soft skills are what employers tell us are most important, if someone is hard working when they walk in the door, they can “learn the business”.
One quarter of your grade at CAWD is defined by these Transferable and Employability Skills. These traits, or behaviors are not something you create in Photoshop, Blender, etc, but they are equally important to CTE as a school, as well as your future. They revolve around acting professionally, and striving to do the best that you can do academically.
These employability traits (or characteristics) are what colleges and employers want to see in their population. Some characteristics of students displaying good T&E skills are:
- They work hard.
- They follow directions.
- They are curious and eager to learn.
- They strive to better themselves and never quit.
- They are extraordinarily creative.
- They are self-reliant and take responsibility.
- They are usually relaxed and keep their perspective.
- They are able to get along and work productively with all types of people.
How you display these Transferable and Employability skills determines your “T&E” grade.
If you are always on time with attendance and work, try your best, and interact well with students and the CTE staff, listen to instructions, work clean, your T&E component of your grade will be an A/B. Remember, that is 25% of your grade. On the other hand not following directions, arriving late, not being on task, wrapping up early, being loud, swearing, surfing the web or gaming instead of working, having music to loud, being a distraction in class, not working well with other students or staff, leaving a messy station at the end of the day, etc – will detract from your grade. If you behave and work below average, your worker trait component will reflect this. If I have to talk to you in class to stop doing X,Y, or Z – that is your “T&E” grade going down.
Your T&E is always being evaluated; in the hallways, in the cafeteria, before, during, after class, etc. Just because you dropped the F bomb at 9:22 before class, doesn’t mean it’s ok. Carry yourself well, you are building your brand, what people will think about you.
This is not meant to scare you. Many of you already act appropriately and work hard, and will reap the benefits of positive Transferable and Employability skills. Just be aware that employability skills, are important to CTE, will be important to you as a student now, and as an adult later in life both in college and the industry.
These will start being assessed this week as part of Week 3.
9:55 Seeing your grades in Power School

Everyone should have / will soon receive an email on how to log into your Power School gradebook from CTE. This is a separate username and password for this school.
Let’s all look in our email.
10:00 Turning in Late work

Is your grade lower than you believed it would be? Anyone here have a missing grade? You will see that it is a 0 in your gradebook. You want to get those zeros out of your gradebook as soon as possible. Why?
- You are smarter than the zero shows.
- Your parents will freak out of they see it.
- Others on your educational team (like guidance consolers) will see and start to step into micro-manage your life. “Let’s make a plan Jimmy on how you can do better”. That sort of stuff. Most of the time CAWD students would rather just do their work and not be bothered.
- Obviously grades are your outside brand to colleges, universities, and employers. They don’t want C and D students, they want A and B students.
- All the benefits we spoke of Monday: earning college credit, NTHS, CAWD2, letters of rec, etc.
So let’s say you want to turn in some missing work. Here is the process:
- Complete the project with original expectations (including deliverables).
- On Wednesday create a folder on the public with your last name. Put the work in there.
- Tell me you have late work on the public drive. I will note it down and grade it that day.
Work turned in Wednesday = 1 letter grade off.
Work turned in Thursday = 2 letter grades off.
Worked turned in Friday = 3 letter grades off.
Work turned in any time after weekend = max of a 50.
All of these late project grades are better than zeros, but the key is doing and submitting your work and hitting the deadlines.
As we are learning a new system, any late work turned in TODAY ONLY (following our CAWD late work process) will have zero point deductions. Graded as if it was turned in on time.
10:15 Blender

- Join / Separate
- Array / Apply / Separate
- Radial Arrays? If we have time? We should have time.
10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
10:45 Trainer Blast Door Asset

Right now we have a game with a room, but no way to get into the room.
Today you are going to create a “blast door“. This of this as the types of door that you would see in Star Wars, Star Trek, Halo, etc.

There is ZERO chance our art will look this good. ZERO. EVERYONE BREATHE!
Think of these images as inspiration.
We are going to start with a SINGLE shape (you pick) to make this. We are going to work on box modeling.
In terms of materials, please use fruit salad colors that are applied in logical locations … but the colors can be weird wild stuff. Here is Ben’s example from last week’s Obelisk:

The materials will be built in UE anyway, I just need you to assign different slots so I can put the different materials there in UE.
Here is a quick mockup I built to reinforce.

The door will NOT open, I am not even making a hole in the wall. This is just like a painting hung on the wall.
We are going to place two of these in our room, to give the illusion of an “in” and a “out”. Just one door – we will use it twice.

At 11:30 place a render in the public drive in the “blastDoors” folder saved as your last name. We will present and pick which one gets into the game. So far trainer has 2 Game Designers – myself and Benjamin Lampron! Would love to get everyone with their work in the game, but not doing pity selections. You want the credit? Earn it
11:30 Blast Door Presentations

11:35 CAWD Project: Farm

Check back to the Tuesday Dayplan for specifics.
Work and save!
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article
12:50 Blender Practice

1:10 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
1:20 Afternoon Production

At this point all of the CAWD projects for the week (3 of them) have been assigned. You can work on any, just get the work done.
- CAWD Project: Farm
- “(lastName)Farm_1.jpg”
- “(lastName)Farm_2.jpg”
- “(lastName)Farm_3.jpg”
- Week 3 Agency
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg”
- “(lastName)Agency_2.jpg”
- “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- Design Homework 3: Farm
- “(lastName)DH3.jpg”
And of course you can work on CAWD English.
1:55 Dailies

2:00 Dismissal