Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Twenty Nine (29)
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- Congratulations Skills Competitors! Mr. Cronin and I have arranged from some cake to celebrate before lunch. The contest was close in all contests! The judges had to really work hard looking at your product against the standards!
- The following students will need to arrange for a ride home from school on Monday because you will be attending the Skills USA Banquet Celebration on Monday:
- (this list is in alphabetical order BTW)
- Adams
- Batres
- Bergeron
- Bevins
- Blow, E
- Bright
- DeCell
- Fasching
- LaMotte
- Mathieson
- Militello
- Oneal
- Peters
- Pine
- Sample
- Spofford
- St.Pierre
- Thibault
- (this list is in alphabetical order BTW)
- When we get more details about leave and return times from the Skills Banquet Award Ceremony, we’ll share with you. Remember, if you are on the list above, you are going to receive an award. You many attend if you can arrange for a ride home from CTE (we may not get back until 3:30pm – so no bus)
9:45 Skills USA Clean Up

Let’s get the room put back together. Help your neighbor. Clean, polish, dust you know the drill. Snowflakes are coming down (from our classroom) today.
10:15 Some Gaming – CAWD Analog Games include:
- Monopoly (brand new)
- Rummikub (Or Bukimmur as we call it in my house)
- Checkers
- Chess
- Backgammon
Noonish: Cake Celebration – Around Noon – Yes some cake before Lunch!
12:15 Noon – Lunch
more relax time