Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty Seven (37)

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- Phys. Ed. in Mrs. Miller’s Room – C121 PreTech 3
- Monday
- CAWD goes to Essex Cinemas to see Spider-Man
- We are leaving right at 9:40, you can’t be late this day!
- We pay for tickets, you pay for concessions
- Back by 1ish? We will do a Study Guide when we return.
- Tuesday
- CAWD certification exam
- We are taking it right at 10:30, you can’t be late this day! We will have an early morning cram session, and then take the exam.
- Remember that it isn’t graded, it’s an opportunity that we give to you, and pay for. All we ask is you try your best. I think everyone in this room is going to be happy with the results.
- Wednesday
- Game Day / Get files off machines
- Thursday
- Make up Certification Exams at 10:00. If you miss taking the exam with the class Tuesday (don’t miss it), and you miss the make up Thursday (don’t miss it), you have to come in Friday June 16th at 8AM to take it. This is after our school year has ended, but you missed the first two times to take it in class. Just be here for the Tuesday exam – it’s the easiest solution.
- Recognition Night Rehearsal
- Recognition Night
- Tell family now!!!
- Get off work now!!!
- It is a really nice happy night to start your summer!!!
- Class Photo after the ceremony – you can’t leave until we take the photo!
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Study Guide & Game Trailer – 2 Things to Do this Morning
The first item is the study guide – goal 90% – you can do it.

If you are all done with your work, Congratulations! You know you are done when all of the deliverables on the board have been met and you’ve delivered your presentation.
The CAWD Game Studio has one more request…..Two – a game trailer.
We won’t overthink this one. The task is simple create a short OBS clip of you recording your screen and playing your game.
- Start at your home screen
- Play your game
- Finish your trailer with the credits screen
- Title your recording: GameName_Trailer
- Put the trailer in your game folder on the CAWD public drive inside your game build folder
I am going to copy down all of the 2023 games into my archives to share with future classes.
Now, you are done! Congratulations!
10:15 Books and Time Capsules
As a class we finished 60 books during our reading time. Let’s commemorate the accomplishment with a class photo and your books.
- Time Capsule Readings – remember those?
- Clean out folders / paperwork
- Collect drawing tablets
- Clean up desktops
- Work on late work
10:35 Break

10:45 Throw in the Towel – share out
Pick your favorite project or the side passion project you worked on last week as you were finishing your game.
Talking points:
- What are you sharing?
- What areas of CAWD did you enjoy?
11:15 High Score – Episode 2 – Comeback Kid

The Rise of Nintendo
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Independent Reading

1:10 Break

1:20 Independent Project Work Time of Individual Support
- Last sprint to finish any outstanding work – grades close at the end of the day