Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty Three
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- WorkKeys – 10am starts next week
- 5/17 (Math Test) Matt, Tom
- 5/24 (WorkPlace Documents Test) Finn, Matt, Eric, Lance
- Hayden Pine – Champlain Call at 11:45 – go to Student Services
- By the time you read this, I’ll be in New Orleans driving back to VT.
The American South – Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee up into the Viginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York & Vermont – See you on Monday

- CAWD Test Prep – start this first
- Team Project work time today. I want to play your team’s game on Monday. Screencast your gameplay today from Unity and send me the link for your team to get credit. This is due by 2pm today!
- If your team finishes early today, work on your 20% or Final CAWD Project or Level Design
If you do an OBS walk through of your level, I will consider for the Insta
9:45 Cawd Test Prep
Follow the link – try to get at least 85% accuracy. If you do score 85% accuracy, send me a screenshot for a prize on Monday (seriously).
CAWD Fun Games – Game Studio

9:55 Game Dev Work session – Final Sprints!
Your goal today is to have a published game either on or as an .exe file. Send me an OBS of your GamePlay by 2pm today to receive credit!
Your team has it’s own folder on CAWD2 / CAWD Game Studio
- Off the Hook
- PIXEL Puncher
- Game Design Documents and your final project (if publishing as .exe file)
- A representative will share on Monday the story of the team
- Process
- Successes
- Challenges
- Organizational Strategies
- Game Overview
- Sample Gameplay
To be successful as a team, you need to know the deliverables:
- One Game Design Document
- A playable game (prototype is fine) or published as .exe file
- A Home Screen with Game Title
- Play Button that opens the game
- Credits Button that opens Credits Screen (credits list roles of all team members)
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Independent Reading

1:10 Break

1:20 Independent Project Worktime of Individual Support
- CAWD Final Project
- Level Design with ProBuilder, Materials and Lighting due today
- 20% for this week – be ready for Monday