Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty Five
Today’s Notes
- Today is Emmit’s BIRTHDAY!
- May 26th SkillsUSA Test – Study Guide – 10am in Conference Room
- Three Day Weekend! Back on Tuesday, May 30th
- Equipment return – by Tuesday!
9:40 Attendance
9:50 Cinemachine – The Camera with Brains

Let’s look at a smart camera – called Cinemachine Virtual Camera
Cinemachine is a powerful camera that we can use to track our player (or Transform GameObject). There are more controls with the Cinemachine Virtual Camera than the main camera. They work together. So instead of writing a Camera Follow Script (like we did with then Endless Runner) we’ll use the Cinemachine add on from the Unity Registry.
Cinemachine is all about creating complex movements simple. Cinemachine does not replace your normal camera, instead it works on top of it. It is the brain for adding and controlling other cameras. We’ll start by adding the Cinemachine Brain to the Main Camera if it is not there already.
We’ll look at some basics – specifically Body and Aim which are directly related to Follow and Look At.
We’ll also look at Dead Zone and Soft Zone and some other Aiming tips.. By default,, the setup is at 0. But let’s play with it so we can consider how we might use this with other games. We’ll also look at offset and dampening.
The Dead Zone – when your character is inside, the camera will not move at all
The Soft Zone – is the area where the camera will begin to follow your character and it defines the edge to where the camera will go
Damping will reduce the speed by which it tracks the character
With Cinemachine you can create multiple cameras and set up cut shots. However, we won’t tackle that today. Let’s just start with some basics. Here is a nice set of reference tutorials about using Cinemachine and a stellar YouTube video.
You can use the Cinemachine camera with 2D as well. Having the Cinemachine camera takes out a whole bunch of coding. That can be nice.
Game Dev Sprints today
Goal – UI done, Core Mechanic Working
Next week, playtesting and building your environmental design
10:35 Break

10:45 xx
Date | Week | Deliverable | Software Development Cycle |
Game idea generation, pre-planning | Planning | ||
Analysis / Design | |||
May 22nd – May 26th | Three | GUI, Movement, Core Mechanics, Coding Goal: (your player should be moving in your world, You have a start screen and credits screen and your core mechanic is working. | Design / Implementation |
May 3th – Jun 2nd | Four | Prototype with game play | Testing/Maintenance / Publishing/Evaluation |
June 7th -8th | Game Jam | Evaluation |
11:30 xx
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Independent Reading

1:10 Break

1:20 Independent Project Worktime of Individual Support
- UI Screens
- Game Dev time