Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Three
Today’s Notes
- Drawing 1 Class is cancelled today. Report to CAWD2
- Today is an B Day for EHS and a CTE Blue Day
9:40 Attendance
9:45 – 12:15 College Planning / Work
Drawing 1 Students:
The CCV Drawing I class was cancelled. The instructor has something unavoidable that came up last evening. I do not have any details, I only got the message this morning. CCV let me know that you were going to receive information about next steps in Canvas found on the VSC Portal.
Next Steps:
Review your class in Canvas. If there are no instructions on what to do review the following choices, select one and prepare to submit at 1pm today.
- One Still Life Drawing – I have a still life set up in the Conference Room
- One Perspective Drawing – if you are unfamiliar or need a refresher, please review perspective (one, two and three point) drawing by using the Google
- One Portrait – Subject is The Queen (she just passed). You many choose the size and image
- Large Format Drawing – Finn is in charge here. Use those big art pads and listen to Professor Finn for the subject material.
Python Students:
Review your class in Canvas. I’ve prepared a checklist on the board as it relates to the course. I highly encourage you to review and practice the sample code and challenges in the powerpoint as practice. Taking notes may also be useful to you.
12:15 – 12:45pm Lunch

Weekend Photography Challenge

Use your long exposure skills and capture some stars, car lights and light painting. You may take out a tripod. Pro move – bring your SD card and battery charger with you.
- Don’t leave camera unattended
- Don’t leave camera in a car
- Don’t use your camera after eating Takis!
- Don’t forget to bring back your camera!!
12:45pm Afternoon 20% Time
(Independent Agency Project work time)