Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty!
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Two Weeks until vacation –
- Scholarship Opportunity – Check it Out! Deadline Extended to April 14th
- April 12th: National Technical Honor Society Ceremony 7:00 pm
- 20% – What are you passionate about? 20% Presentations will return – showcase next Monday of your learning. Some acceptable delivery methods for showcasing:
- OBS Screencast
- Video
- Renders or ScreenShots
- Today is going to be a bit weird with a chunk of the class missing. Please understand that we couldn’t take all of CAWD (CAWD is CAWD 1 and 2). This is the first time the awards ceremony is being held during the day. If you are here, don’t despair, tackle your 20%, work on the Unity PinBall, clean up your Google Drive (as this drive will disappear at the end of the year), get caught up in another class, tackle that tutorial on….that you’ve been meaning to do.
We’ll get back to normal on Tuesday.
9:40 Monday Mail
Make a quick check and see what everyone is saying… Also, keep an eye out in your inbox or check Spam for any communication from the Vermont Highway Safety Alliance
The VHSA does not let me know who is in the next round. Here is the process:
Up to twelve (12) finalists will be selected from the entries and asked to participate in Phase Two. Finalists will be notified by with instructions on how to proceed for Phase Two.
April 2023: Phase Two
The VHSA will set up an online voting link and finalists will have the opportunity to promote their video
on the social media outlet. This phase is for an additional “People’s Choice” award for an entry that
solicits the most votes from the public.
April 30, 2023 – Final contest winners will be chosen and notified on or before this date.
9:45 Lip Sync Battle Worksession

Remember a few weeks ago….. The Lip Sync Battle
We are creating original characters and then setting them in an appropriate setting to perform a 20 second Lip Sync. Perhaps you have started, perhaps you have not…
For this project, you are going to need several assets.
- A piece of music in .mp3 form (don’t worry about copyright – we are going all out)
- A character(s) / backgrounds inked out in 2D workspace
- A reference image for common vowel sounds (google mouth shapes) Results
To minimize problems, I am going to advise you to incorporate 1 Grease Pencil object (blank).
After you add your blank stroke, move it to it’s own collection. In this collection you will create the mouthshapes.
then on your other stroke layer create:
- background layers for your scene
- layers for your character
- Remember, layers are important – anything you want to animate should be it’s own layer
The Due Date for this project has been changed to Thursday, April 13th!
We’ll do our showdown at 11:30am that day.
10:30 Depart for SkillsUSA Banquet

- Sample/Blow
- DeCell
- Lamotte/Bevins
- Fasching/Adams
- Pine/Bright
- Oneal/Spofford
10:35 Break

10:45 English with Mx. Yopp

11:30 Lip Sync Project Worktime or 20%
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Independent Reading

1:10 Break

1:20 Independent Project Worktime of Individual Support
- WorkSession for Lip Sync Project
- 20%