Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Twenty Nine (29)
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- New Quarter – Welcome to the 4th Quarter – This is it – final push
- Scholarship Opportunity – Check it Out! Deadline Extended to April 14th
- April 12th: National Technical Honor Society Ceremony 7:00 pm
- June 15th is Recognition Night
- SkillsUSA week
- No assignments – just SkillsUSA assignments (each day there are deliverables)
- T&E Grades Only
- No Reading time this week
- Thursday is SkillsUSA competition Day
- Business Casual – all competitors – collared shirts, pants
- Web and Animation teams arrive by 7:30am. Room open by 7am
- Game Teams arrive at normal time
- Resumes – show me your resume today or tomorrow
9:40 Monday Mail
Make a quick check and see what everyone is saying…
9:45 English with Mx. Yopp

10:35 Break

10:45 The Big Move

Game Teams to CAWD 1
Web & Animation Teams to CAWD2
Follow seating assignments
11:30 SkillsUSA

Check out Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics

Check out Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics

Please read this carefully….
For the competition on Thursday you will design a website (this we know!):
Requirements for your website include:
- Photographs of your rough wireframe (you can take a picture of your paper) or go digital (upload to your team folder)
- Website for desktop coded and functional
- Mobile Design starting at a breakpoint at 578px for smaller screens
- Completion of the Client Sheet which will be provided with the prompt on Thursday at 8am
- All web pages must contain valid HTML and CSS that pass an HTML validator such as the WC3 Markup Validator,
- All web pages should have proper HTML meta tags such as Title, Description, Keywords, and Author.
- Keeping accessibility in mind, make sure your images have alt tags and you have good contrast between type and background.
- The use of the internet will be allowed for uploading your files to your contest folder, to view in browser and for validation purposes. No other use of the internet is permitted at any time.
- Students will need to know how to write their own code, libraries like Bootstrap, JQuery and code snippets not part of your editor are not permitted.
Practice work – Due End of Day today – upload to Web folder with your team name

Create four separate web pages that show your mastery of setting up Navigation menus found in the header element. Each nav example should be styled differently. You can name your webpages:
- nav1.html
- nav2.html
- nav3.html
- nav4.html
Your dummy nav bar will have:
- Logo (of your choosing)
- Five links (example: Home, Contact, Our Story, Gallery, Location)
- Scalable for mobile – break point at 578px
- At least one nav example should be a column
- Pass html and css validation
- Each nav should be unique – work with your partner and agree on ideas
- (the links in your navigation do not need to go anywhere)
This project is due at the end of today in your team Web folder.
Last Step: Choose your best nav and place that one in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder to showcase at the end of the day.
12:15 Lunch

12:50 SkillsUSA

1:10 Break

1:20 SkillsUSA