Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Ten

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Today is the first day of the second quarter
- Today is Halloween and we’ll take advantage of that fact and not be too serious
- Costume Contest is at 11am in Room E109 – however you will have to talk to your English teacher to be excused
- New Unit – Web Dev – Beginning Wednesday
- ASVAB stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.
- If you want to take the assessment it is on November 9th at 10am. Let me know
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Monday Mail – make a quick check – you seniors are important!
9:45 CAWD Halloween Photo
We are going to head over to CAWD 1 and join them for a quick Halloween photo.
9:55 Vermont Photo Assignment Showcase

Dropbox is in Google Classroom. Half present today, half tomorrow.
When Presenting – you make talk about your slides while you are showing them or you may say a few words at the end.
- For Sure: Point out your favorite image / explain why
- Not A Bad Idea: To share any techniques that you used – we love technical terms!
- Indubitably: Let us know if you have improved as a photographer and why
10:35 Break

10:45 English with Mx. Yopp

11:30 Halloween Projection Loop – Super Sprint
Remember your haunted house and jack o Lantern? Yes, in this super sprint you are going to make a nice little animated scene. You may:
- Open your haunted house and animate your emission or objects
- Open your image and or Blender animation in After Effects and add in:
- Audio
- Visual Effects
- Additional Scenes (pexels look up zombie or scary or halloween)
- Expression Controls to glitch your scenes(remember I did some on Thursday – I’ll write some on the board)
- Text and Text Effects
- 30 Seconds
- Render as .mp4
- Filename: lastname_scary.mp4
- Dropbox – Submit by 12:10 or earlier – I’ll edit and showcase for dailies today
I’ll take all of the submissions and turn them into a final project loops for the class.
Goal: Work quickly, short deadline, execute on time, attractive output
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Monday Model Challenge – Cauldron

Keep it simple and use your imagination or use the image above for inspiration. Place a render in dailies. This is ungraded. Just a practice piece to have some fun on Halloween.
1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
- CAWD Sweatshirt: Digital Design – Due November 2nd
- 20% Showcase Tomorrow