Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty One
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Happy Birthday Eric Murray!
9:40 Breakout Game
This is an individual assignment. However, use the following pairings as your assistant in case you have some code problems. Use each other / help each other.
- Andy / Eric / Eli
- Tom/Schuyler
- Emmit / Emma
- Kaden / Garrett
- Matt / Ryan
- Hayden / Finn
- Asa / Lance

Today, build out the rest of your Breakout Game and add Scoring to your game. You have all the tools from examples we did this last week – remember the UI canvas on the Lunar Lander
- Can you set different blocks to have different point values!
- Adding a Score
- Add a custom font
- Add KillBox and GameOver Screen
- Design / Implement / Test
- Try to keep your ball bouncy – you may need some different physics materials on some of your colliders
Try to complete your Project by the end of day Friday, April 21st so you don’t have to do it after vacation.
When we get back from vacation – you will Invite me to play your game so I can grade.
- An A grade will be awarded for hitting the bulleted list above and for a nice looking game
- A B grade will be awarded for just totaling a score
- A C grade will be for an unfinished game with a score
10:35 Break

10:45 Breakout Continued…..
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Independent Reading

1:10 Break

1:20 Independent Project Worktime of Individual Support
- Breakout
- Exploring Careers in Game Industry
- 20%