Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Sixteen – December Break Begins
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- PE is meeting in the gym
- Incompletes – you will see a sheet on your desk if you owe something. When complete, you may begin relaxing and doing some game time / art / music – whatever takes you to your zen place
- Hard Power Down and Clean up at 1:50 today. Clean, Organize, Sanitize
- Email – make one last check, clean up and respond to anyone who wants something from you.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Bring Your Own Graph of the Week

This week you will find your own (real graph) and dissect the information. Include a link to your graph or a screenshot of your graph below your responses.
Your graph is the last Graph of the Week we are doing this year!
10:05 Wireframe Share Outs

10:25 Pin Crowdsourcing

10:35 Break

10:45 Game Day Begins (if you are all caught up)
I will grade throughout the day. You can turn items in and get qualified for game day. If you are incomplete, you may game over your breaks and lunch.
Let’s cover the rules there are but a few:
Eating – Keep food at your desk to a minimum Drinking – keep cups on shelves
Noise – Be aware of others – use those inside voices you remember being told to use when you were ten
Language – it’s a classroom so let’s keep it professional
Gore Level – minimal. So far the games I have seen have been ok. If you want to not worry, ESRB ratings of T and E for everyone is best.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Literacy in Practice or Quiet Gaming

1:10 Break – Room will close – walk around

1:50 Hard Stop
- Power down everything
- Clean and wipe down your desks
- File papers
- Check out will me
- Enjoy your Holiday break and we’ll see you again in 2023 – January 3rd!