Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty Seven (37)

If you didn’t know it already, I am proud of each and everyone of you. Think about your development as a student and as a person the last two years. You are ready for what comes next…
Today is a day to relax and feel good about your accomplishments. Congratulations!
Books for your Summer Reference
All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque – Kaden
This book highlights everything terrible about war and the old lie of glory in dying for your country, from the perspective of a simple German infantry soldier in World War 1
Game of Thrones, George R.R Martin – Eli
Political murder mystery set in the medieval ages, amazing world building and character development.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams – Ryan
It’s a well written, comedic, sci-fi series with witty, absurd, humor.
Storm Front, Jim Butcher – Tom
Harry Dreston is a wizard who does private investigative work and he is investigating a murder that used a dark magic spell meanwhile the white council is blaming Harry for the murder so Harry must find the killer and fast to prove his innocence
Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Gabrielle Zevin – Mr. Bohmann
The story of two game developers, their origin story and the games the make, better together. Not a love story, but an incredible look at two people committed to building a great game.
The Psychopath Test, Jon Ronson – Emmit
The whole book is told in the perspective of one journalist who decided to dive deep into psychology and psychopaths. It’s a really interesting journey told in a very gripping way.
Robot Dreams, Issac Asimov – Asa
I love Asimov’s deep sci-fi writing. He crafts his world though a very large timescale, as you read you see the progressing of the universe through millions of years, it’s a very cool experience
Ember and Stone, Megan O’Russell – Lance
The story follows a young girl who works in a healing shop, her village is taken over by the kings man and she is forced to run away into the black bloods, she reunites with her brother who is apart of the group she goes on a journey to their village in order to train with them to overthrow the king
Scythe, Neal Shusterman – Eric
Scythe is about two teens named Citra and Rowan being trained under a scythe to become scythes themselves. i am not entirely sure why i like this book but i has a lot of twists and surprises that i was not expecting. this book is also the intro to a series that i will also be reading.
The Fever Code, James Dashner – Hayden
I really like the world of Maze Runner and learning how they got into the maze is cool.
Legendborn, Tacy Deonn – Emma
When a 16 year old girls mom dies from a car accident she goes into an early college program and learns that her moms death might’ve not been an accident after all. I think this book was really well written and all of the plot points were connected very well, plus a lot of the plot twists i didn’t see coming
Dune, Frank Herbert – Schuyler
The book is a sci-fi series set in a high tech aristocratic society.
The WasteLands, Stephen King – Finn
Three gunslingers travel through a dying world trying to get to the dark tower as they fight to survive. From fighting cyborg bears, gunfights, to exploring the dead city of lud. What I liked most was the connections to the characters and the interesting challenges they must face.
Today’s Notes
- CTE Recognition Night will be TONIGHT in the rink. Come so we can honor you.
- Thursday, June 15th, 2023 at 6:30pm – Students arrive 5:45.
- All CAWD (1 & 2) Picture right after the ceremony (left of stage when looking at the stage. It’s a tradition.
- Attire is business casual, I will be wearing a sportcoat and button down.
- Minute to Win-it games any CAWD2 participants
- 1. Frozen T shirt – Emmit
- 2. Marshmallow Blow Dart – Schuyler
- 4. Flip Water Bottle Musical Chairs – Emmit
- 5. Face the Cookie – ?
- Classroom stuff – time to take home. I will recycle/trash anything that is left in the classroom.
- Certifications – The Certified Web Professionals exam results will be emailed to you as soon as I receive them. This will be in the form of a PDF. Keep an eye out. Update your resume with your results.
- Your Certification is an IRC, as is the WorkKeys credential. An IRC stands for Industry Recognized Credential. It is something you should put on your resume whether you are going to college or not
- Lastly, Skills USA – we are fielding 3 teams from CAWD. The competition will take us to Atlanta on June 19th – June 24th. Keep an eye on the Instagram
- Uno mas and your final ProTip: don’t be a stranger!. Interact with @cawdvt on the Insta. As of today you are a CAWD alum, Cronin and I want to hear from you.
9:45 Final Pack up and Wipe Down
Out of office for Email
Thank You Notes
Social Time & Celebration Time (sounds like games – Monopoly?)
Pass the Blend file (like the game of telephone but with a Blender file)
10:45 Computer Break Down
We are disconnecting computers today.
- Keyboards and mice can go to the front of the room.
- Disconnect Monitors from Towers
- Keep all cords connected to monitors
- Power
- Display Port
- WiFi Extender
11:00 Quiet Activity
Drawing / Sketching / Zentangles

11:25 Lunch & Nintendo Switch

12:00 Recognition Night Ceremony Rehearsal
Bring all your stuff, we will not be returning to the classroom