Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty Six (36)

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Fire Drill today at 1:30
- PE meets at the Tennis Courts
- Game Testing Today and Friday – let me review
- Google Form
- Publishing
- Talking Points
- Wednesday, June 7th will be our Game Jam. We’ll invite others to play our games, talk about our games and show off your work.
- Thursday, June 8th all of the deliverables will be due. Each of you will do a short presentation about your game, what you learned, what was challenging, what you were most proud of.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Web Professionals Practice Session

10:00 Game Dev Studio Time

OBS Walkthrough – Core Mechanic due tomorrow – see yesterday’s dayplan for details
Throw in the Towel (I’m done until game testing feedback)

If you have completed the alpha of your game and do not plan to continue developing, revising and generally working on your Cawd final game project until after game testing, you will need to continue working on a project independently. This may be:
Your How To for English
A CAWD Knowledge Exchange – where you take your favorite topic, build a lesson and plan to teach us how to do it. You become the teacher and we build, learn, practice with you. We can schedule a day to present next week.
CAWD Project Revision – you take a project from the year that you’d like to improve, add on, revise or just overall go “further”. You’ll share your “mod” with us next week
SkillsUSA (if this applies to you)
10:35 Break

10:45 CAWD Game Studio

Game Publishing for Testing…
Before you prepare your Alpha for publishing…
- Create a folder in your Unity Directory – Name it Builds
- Choose that folder when exporting for a Build
- Name your Alpha – BohmannBrickBreaker_Alpha.exe (for example)
- Test to see that the screen resolution and size is ok
- Drop your .exe file in the Cawd Game Studio Folder in Public Folders
11:40am Game Testing – Visitors from CAWD
Game Testing
Cardboard Crusher
Robot Miner
Giger Run
Dungeon Dive
Crimson Mash
Game Testing
Nexus Trace
Slime Scape
The Bush
Shadow Strider
We have visitors today from CAWD1. The students will be the incoming class for CAWD2. Your task is simple. Show them your game / what you have been working on for your game (if your a team).
These students have never seen Unity nor do they know anything about C# programming. Give them a 3 minute overview of your project. Don’t sweat it, you are in dev mode. They are interested to learn what you have been making/coding. We’ll rotate every 3 minutes.
During your 3 minutes, have them test your game and have your Google Form up and ready to go for feedback.
Talking Points (if you need them)
- My game is….
- The core game mechanic is…..
- The goal is to …..
- This bit of code is cool because it does…..
- I made this asset / texture / material / lighting / environment / sprite ……
- I am proud of ….
- I’d like this game to ……
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Independent Reading

1:10 Break

1:20 Independent Project Work Time of Individual Support
- Incomplete Work
- Game Dev time / Passion Projects
- OBS Core Mechanic Walkthrough