Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Twenty Six
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Tom and Eric – reminder about your meetings tomorrow
- Off next week Thurs / Fri from CTE
- 5 minute Demo – adding Audio to Blender, Audio Scrubbing, Making Mouthshapes
9:50 SkillsUSA

Each Thursday morning SkillsUSA Design Competition prep work will come out.
By Friday at lunch – create a folder with your two names on the Public inside of the weeks “skillsUSA” folder. The folder is found at Public/CAWD. For example if Mr. Cronin and Mr. Bohmann were working together the folder would be:
- “croninBohmann”
Create your folder in the discipline you are working in. DO THIS FIRST

See Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics – read carefully

See Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics – read carefully

Read carefully, there are many deliverables. Planning is going to be key! On the day of the State competition, you’ll have about 6 hours. That requires efficiency.
ProTip: while the creative director is designing the layout, the programmer should be roughing the files, index.html, nav and the basics that almost all web pages require.

This week’s deliverables:
- Create a Website for Streetgreens
- Create a nav menu that sticks to the top of your index.html page
- Your Nav Pages are:
- Menu (links to a real page)
- Locations
- Gift Cards
- Rewards
- Careers
- Order Now Button (links to a real page)
- Streetgreens logo in upper left hand corner
- Your Nav Pages are:
- Below the Nav is a Hero image
- Inside the Hero image is text: “Streetgreens Food Truck – More Greens for your Green“
- You can display the text anyway you want; two lines, one line, different sizes – you choose
- A reference on how to make a hero image
- Create a menu.html page that links from the menu link in your nav
- One the menu page include this information with images from this images folder
(hero image is in this folder for you too)
- One the menu page include this information with images from this images folder
- Create a order.html page that links from your nav (here is a reference on how to make a form)
- Create a form that asks:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Radio button choices for each salad
- Submit button (does not have to go anywhere
- Create a form that asks:
- All pages you create will have the sticky nav at the top with logo that link together
- All active pages will have a footer: Copyright Streetgreens 2023
- Head element of each page should have a page title
- One and only one stylesheet
- Comment your code whenever possible
- Bonus!! – Add a favicon – look up if you don’t know what this is
Custom Fonts will make your site look really nice!
As always, validate your html and css
10:35 Break

10:45 SkillsUSA
While CAWD students are in English, you may work on your PSA animatic if you are waiting for your partner or you may continue Skills. At 11:30 everyone will be in SkillsUSA production.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Literacy in Practice

1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
- PSA Animatic due for viewing Monday, March 20th
- SkillsUSA Practice
- Lip Sync project planning