Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann |

Today’s Notes
- Questions, concerns from yesterday
- We did a lot yesterday:
- Seating
- Student Handbook Exercise
- Grading & Transferrable Skills
- Schedules & Lit Class
- Professional Email Signatures | Adobe Licensing | Google Classroom | Illustrator | Sketching |
- Parking Permits – Don’t forget to fill yours out if you drive a car to school. Application on the CTE Website
- Today is a Blue day for CTE. If you have a 7/8 CTE class you go to that class right after lunch, do not return from lunch.
- Today is a “B” day for EHS. If you have a 7/8 EHS class you go to that class at 1:10 when we go to our afternoon mask break.
- PE meets at 1:15 today in room c131. Schuyler, Kaden, Emmit
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Introduction to Visual Literacy – Thursday Graph of the Day
Graphs and visual literacy is an important skill to learn. Throughout the year, we will practice dissecting visual content. Not only will we be reading them, we’ll be making our own!
“The basic definition of visual literacy is the ability to read, write and create visual images. It is a concept that relates to art and design but it also has much wider applications. Visual literacy is about language, communication and interaction. Visual media is a linguistic tool with which we communicate, exchange ideas and navigate our complex world.”

When looking at a graph, guide yourself by the following questions:
What do you notice? Identify some visual cues in the graph, color, placement, facts, figures
What do you wonder? What are you curious about that comes from what you notice in the graph?
How does this graph impact you and/or your community? Can you make a connection to how this information impacts you or people you know.
What additional information would help you understand this graph / subject matter better?
Write a catchy headline for this graph?
You can find a copy of the worksheet for responding in Google Classroom.
10:10 Adobe Illustrator

Yesterday we set up our accounts and opened Illustrator for building some Vector graphics.
Essentials or Essential Classic workspace
Artboards / Customizing Artboards
Selection tools, shape tools and pen tools practice
Colors, lines and text basics
Pen Tool allows you to make flowing Bezier curves. The longer the handle, the more power in the curve
Using the modifier key ALT will break the path. Begin by pressing and pulling when using the pen tool.
Use the Curvature Pen Tool to Draw straight lines and smooth curves with precision and ease instead of drawing and modifying paths using Bezier curves.
Lines and Curves Practice
10:35 Break

10:45 C.R.A.P

C.R.A.P stands for contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity. These are the four principles of design used by graphic designers, web designers and digital learning experts. Good UX (stands for User Experience) and Good UI (User Interaction) include these principles.
C.R.A.P. Cheat Sheet
Activity – C.R.A.P Scavenger Hunt and Illustrator Tool Blitz
Guides, Smart Guides and Rulers
Working in Adobe Illustrator
- Set up a new document 640 x 480 pixels (create 4 artboards), RGB
- Identify a design principle for each artboard, add text to identify
- Find a good example of each principle (could be from a video game, movie poster, app, book cover, website and place on the correct artboard
- Test out effects and tools as you create your document
- 11:25 we’ll do a gallery walk of your work.
Save as PDF: Filename: CRAP_Lastname and drop in this assignment dropbox on Google Classroom.
11:30 Small Project

Small Project:
Vermont just opened a Zoo! (no not really). But, if they did, You are the creative designer for a piece of digital art that will be featured on the new zoo’s website. Create a Colorful Polygonal Animal by selecting an image of animal online and then using polygonal shapes and triangles to design a colorful animal shape recreation. If time allows, create the surroundings for your animal too.

If you are up for a Challenge: include gradients, feathering, or transparency
Tip, when adding your reference image, place on it’s own layer and lock it. Adjust opacity as desired.
Save your .ai file in your Google Drive. Organize your Drive.
Also, save your file as a PDF, organize accordingly.
Filenames: first initial.lastname_animal name. This small project will be due at the end of the day.
Drop the PDF of your art in this assignment dropbox on Google Classroom.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Pen Tool Practice – Bezier Game
Using your tablet and getting comfortable with the pen tool…..
Link to Bezier Game
Link to a good practice file for you to work with.
1:10 Break

1:20 Illustrator Practice

Champ is the name of a lake monster said to live in Lake Champlain, but what does
Champ look like in your mind?
For some afternoon practice using the shape and shape builder tools to create a quick design of your very own lake monster. Incorporate colors. Apply concepts of CRAP as you see fit to execute your design.
Create 1 artboard, 500 x 500.
Quick Export – Save for Web(legacy) as a png.
Filename: Champ_Lastname.png
Place in Public Folders in folder called CHAMP Challenge
1:50 Dailies
We’ll look at your Champ designs