Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Four
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day and CTE Blue Day
- CCV classes on Friday – stay on top of your work
- CCV bus will meet you in Back (CTE Entrance) Friday
- PE meets in the Gym today
- September 30th is middle of Q1 – That’s the end of next week!
- Run/Hide/Fight – let’s review or I go to teacher jail
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Graph of the Week

When looking at a graph, guide yourself by the following questions:
What do you notice? Identify some visual cues in the graph, color, placement, facts, figures
What do you wonder? What are you curious about that comes from what you notice in the graph?
How does this graph impact you and/or your community? Can you make a connection to how this information impacts you or people you know.
What additional information would help you understand this graph / subject matter better?
Write a catchy headline for this graph?
Link to the assignment worksheet in Google Classroom
10:00 Light Painting Showcase

Did you do some light painting or slow exposure photography over the weekend? If so, let’s see what you’ve created. Drop your work in CAWD2Dailies folder and we’ll have you share your work.
10:20 After Effects or Photoshop Challenge
Oh boy, what could this be…..
10:45 Portrait Photography

The 50mm len sis very similar to how our own eyes perceive the subject.
The photo above was shot with a 50mm prime lens
image courtesy of:
Attach the 50mm lens if you have one in your bag.
A prime lens is the one with a fixed focal length which is what your 50mm lens is. Our 50mm lenses are roughly the way the human eye sees the world. Good for just about any type of photography.
You cannot zoom a 50mm lens. It is fixed! So you must walk closer if you want to get a full frame shot.
Your 50mm lens is easy to get a shallow depth of field as the f/stop goes all the way down to f1.8.
Your 18-55mm lens is called a Standard lens. It does not have a fixed focal length. You can adjust.
Composition of a Portrait
To get a proper Portrait Shot, you must frame the head of your subject to fill the frame. Some shoulders are OK but a full body or upper torso shot is not really a portrait.
Pro Tips:
- Use a solid or contrasting background.
- Make sure the face is well exposed
- Bokeh – soft or blurry background (Working in Aperture Priority or Manual Mode with small f/stop)
- Talk with your subject about what you want to capture / emotion / feeling
- Remember Rule of Thirds
- Props can be ok, just not to distract
- Try some interesting poses or angles
- Help your subject relax

To get a good shot you are going to need some proper lighting. There are many lighting strategies and whole careers are made out of being a lighting expert. Today we’ll meet with Jesse in the media lab to discuss lighting and review some common set ups.
Lighting Terminology
- Key Light
- Fill Light
- Back Light / Rim Light
11:30 Resume Workshop Continued

We are going to begin the day be writing a first draft of your resume. No formatting, just the basics.
The goal is to get as much relevant information down and then we can round out the details and formatting later.
- Objective
- Qualifications
- Education
- Experience
- Certifications / Awards
- References
Power Verbs from the Owl at Purdue writing Center
Comprehensive List all organized
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Lighting in Blender – Render Challenge
Lighting in Blender is the key to a good render. See how you close you can come to the model I set up in Blender. When working with lighting, get the set up right before you mess with colors and tones.
ProTip: Shift + T allows you to hover and change your light’s target area (direction)

The Model for this challenge is in Public / CAWD2 / Blender Resources/ Matador.obj
1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
20% Project – Due Monday, September 26th
Animated Personal Logo – Due Tuesday, September 27th
Resume First Draft – Due Monday, End of Day for Review