Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Five
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day and CTE Red Day
- Link to the Vermont Foliage Report – great site!
- Camera batteries – fully charged?
- CCV class tomorrow. Last chance bus leaves by 9:35. Be on it!
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Animated Logos – Presentations
Let’s continue the final presentations of the personal animated logos. Talking prompts will be provided on the Mac computer (from yesterday’s dayplan). Great work so far.
10:10 CAWD Sweatshirt Design

Big Picture: Redesign the CAWD Sweatshirt. This year the sweatshirt will be the either a hoodie or zip up. We have not decided yet as we have not heard from the first year CAWD students. There are three color options (charcoal grey, navy, black). We already have your sizes recorded from a previous survey.
The first step is to vote on the color. Voting Form.
The second step is to create the design. Each CAWD2 student will individually create a design. The winning design will be printed and all students in the CAWD program will receive a sweatshirt (free).
Details: Designs will be drafted on paper first. After creating your analog design, you be approved to go digital. The best tool for this is Adobe Illustrator.
- All designs are allowed three colors
- The sweatshirt will provide the fourth color.
- Must haves: Logo, & Computer Animation & Web Design
- Our CAWD font is Raleway but Mr. Cronin and I are open to creative expression!
- Check out some of the old sweatshirts for inspiration – sky’s the limit (sort of)
- (I have an .ai of the Logo for when you to digital design)
The Project:
- Paper sketch / Outline (you can use the printed template if you like)
- Illustrator File with Two artboards: Front / Back
Due Date for paper design: Friday, October 7th. We’ll vote then.
10:20 Graph of the Week
Distribution of Federal Student Loan Debt

Google Classroom for Week 5 Graph of the Week worksheet.
10:45 Single Point Motion Tracking

Motion Tracking is the concept of following objects in footage so that you can add new objects to that scene and create a interesting and believable composition.
The process consists of automatically locating a point or a series of points from a frame to frame to frame sequence
Motion tracking makes visual sequences waaaay more interesting!
Motion Tracking methods may include:
- Single Point Tracking – which tracks X and Y coordinates
- Two Point Tracking for when you want to include rotation and scale
- Mask Tracking (also called Rotoscoping) to isolate masks in a shot
- Camera Tracking – follows the action and coordinates of the camera in three dimensional space
- Planar Tracking – following a surface or sign that you want to replace.
Tracker Features

The tracker is made up of two boxes and an attach point.
The outside box is called the search region and defines what type of data to search for.
The inside box is called the feature region and it looks for the features that are similar to the attach point
You can expand and contract both of those boxes to try for the best tracking
Auto tracking is handled by After Effects. To get a good track, keep in mind:
- Good contrast is important
- Work in full resolution
- Start with high quality footage
11:30 Horror Movie – Scrum Meeting and mini sprint

Refer to your Trello boards for your project backlog.
Two questions for your Scrum Meeting:
What are you working on? What is next?
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Photo Shoot – Apple Orchard

If the weather holds, we’ll head up to the orchard and practice some shots. I encourage you to try manual mode. Remember, check for Exposure first, then make sure you are in focus!
I’ll work with each of you to help. But I don’t know if you need help if you don’t ask me.
Select your very best photo (you think) after editing. Place in CAWD2 Dailies. That will be your daily for today.
Goals: Exposure, Focus, Composition & Editing
1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
20% Project – Due Monday, October 3rd
Resume – Draft Two – Due Monday October 3rd
Lower Thirds – Due Tuesday, October 4th
Horror Movie Title Project – Due Wednesday, October 5th