Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Fifteen
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- I’m at home today. Plan to return tomorrow when I feel better.
- Schuyler – you’ll do your Famous Photographer when I return.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Skills USA Planning / Production
We’ve got a good mix of students doing Pin Design, Job Skill Demonstration and at least one Interview competitor.
This morning, read through your competitions.
Pin Design: Begin a four pack of designs for your pin on paper. One of the requirements of the pin design is to document and show your process. Make your four pack on one single sheet of paper.
Requirements for all 4 designs (on a single sheet of paper)
- Vermont themed imagery
- The word “SkillsUSA” written just as it appears – no space, lowercase “kills”
- The word “Vermont“
- The date. It must be:
- 2023-2024
When designing please remember size. The physical and digital pin will be only an inch and a quarter square. You have to create a design that will be legible at a very small size.
You’ll hand your sheet of paper to me on Wednesday. Place your name on it and date it.
Job Skill Demonstration
Competitors demonstrate and explain an entry-level skill used in the occupational area for which they are training. Competitors in Job Skill Demonstration must demonstrate a career objective in an occupational area that is included in one of the competition areas of the SkillsUSA Championships. The competition requires a demonstration performing an occupational skill accompanied by a clear explanation of the topic using experiments, displays or practical operations.
What will your Job Skills Demonstration be? Use this time to begin planning out ideas for what your skill demonstration will be.
- What is it?
- How will you demonstrate it?
- What equipment will you need?
- Why would someone want to know this skill?
- How can this skill be used in the field / why is this skill necessary in the field
Make a Google Doc – Name it Job Skill Demonstration and begin pulling ideas together. Share this document with me by the end of the day today.
Interview – Tom
Tom – I’m going to suggest that you begin by researching common interview questions asked in interviews. Collect at least a dozen of the most asked questions. Write those questions out on a Google Doc and begin answering.
Take your time. Share your document with me when complete. For this leadership competition, we’ll have to set up some practice interviews.
10:35 Break
10:45 English
11:30 Navigation on the Server
When you navigate to your root folder on the server: (for example)
You’ll notice that this landing page is rather plain. Let’s change that.
Log-on to FileZilla and download your index.html page found at the root level of your directory
- Add an H1 with your name
- Add a Nav bar with links to your projects. Do you want to make links back? You decide.
- The image above is not an example of what you are going to do – that one is for a portfolio – but you get the point, make a nice navbar with links to your projects
- Format with some styling so it looks a lot better that what is there now.
12:15 Lunch
12:45 Literacy in Practice
Independent Reading block from 12:45-11:10
1:10 Break
1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
- CSS Two Ways – due Thursday, December 15th
- Mood Board – due Wednesday, December 14th (end of day)
- Skills USA Production
- Fixing your server landing page with navigation
- 20% For Week 15 – is now assigned