Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty Seven (37)
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- WorkKeys callback (got this email during lunch yesterday)
- Andy, Hayden – 9:45am Today in CTE Conference Room – Graphic Literacy – you are dismissed
- Wednesday, June 7th will be our Game Jam. We’ll invite others to play our games, talk about our games and show off your work. This is what is expected:
- Published Game – exe and –
- Clean Desk and workstation
- Your participation to help visitors play your game
- Game Summary submitted to me this morning
- Ryan, we’ll move your game to front to create more space in that row
- Visitors will be here starting after break tomorrow.
- Thursday, June 8th all of the deliverables will be due from the game project for grading. Each of you will do a short presentation about your game, what you learned, what was challenging, what you were most proud of. Short Presentation guidelines are below and I’ll go over
- Don’t forget the Core Game Mechanic Video
- Friday, June 9th – if you threw in the towel last week or this week then we’ll be looking to you to share your work / learning with us. Basically a showcase of your work outside of the game project.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Practice Run – Web Apprentice Certification
Accuracy score goal: 88-90% Link
9:55 Game Summary – Elevator Pitch
When our visitors arrive to play your games tomorrow – how will they choose? A good way to summarize your game is with an elevator pitch.
The definition of an elevator pitch is that you have about the time it takes to ride up or down an elevator to explain/describe/sell your product, idea, self, etc….

For Example: Firewatch is a mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio. Perched atop a mountain, it’s your job to find smoke and keep the wilderness safe.
Your turn – use your Game Design Document and your creative skills and assemble a short Elevator Pitch. You can write your pitch on this Google Form.
10:00 – Game Presentations for Thursday
On Thursday each Game will make a short presentation about their game. Google Slides might be the easiest way for you to organize yourselves. However if you want to make a website, google site, wix site, PDF, video,….. you decide.
Your presentation will include:
- Name of your Game
- Description & Overview of the Game
- The core game mechanic
- The inspiration for your game
- Challenges you faced when creating your game (try to explain)
- Feedback you received during playtesting
- What you are happy about or what you learned/improved on
- What’s next (If you continued to develop your game, what would you do) to bring it to market
You are encouraged to use screenshots, code examples, pics.
Pro Tip: Less words makes for better presentations!
CAWD Studio Game Final Deliverables
In the process of building your game, you will use a Trello board to track and share your progress. Each week there will be updates from you or your game team on the status of your deliverable. If you work alone, you will provide the update.
Every game will have a Trello board. It will count as 100 points. You’ll earn full points for being detailed and less points for less detail!
Every game will have a Game Design Document. It will count as 100 points. You’ll earn full points for a nicely well thought out document with no typos, errors and grammatically error free. I’ll provide you with a template. Have someone proofread your work.
Every game will be tested to provide user feedback. That feedback will be collected with a Google Form. It will count as 100 points. – So many of you have not submitted!
Every game will be scored for playability. It will count as 100 points. If we can play it and the game has some objective with Win / Lose conditions you may earn up to full point value
Every game will be published as a and .exe game. It will count as 50 points. Full credit for publishing, no credit for not publishing.
Every game will is required to have a Home Screen and a Credits screen in addition to the game play. It will count as 100 points. The nicer the UI and the inclusion ( game over, score, health, damage and other UI elements) is desirable. However, an effective UI is what you are after.
Game Salesperson. You are the ambassador for your game. As game ambassador, you can earn up to 50 points for being able to speak about and sell your game to others. This can be demonstrated when telling others about your game.
Total points: 600 points!
All Games must be complete for grading on Thursday, June 8th. We will have an official game jam and invite others to enjoy our games too.
10:15 – 11:30 Final Sprint to Game Jam

10:35 Break

11:30 English with Mx. Yopp

12:15 Lunch

12:45 Independent Reading

1:10 Break

1:20 Independent Project Work Time of Individual Support
- Past Due work – check PowerSchool
- Game Presentations for Thursday