Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Fifteen
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- Early Release: Eric – you are out at 11:30 today
- Visitors today from MMU – Be prepared for three visitors:
- Hayden
- Emma
- Kaden
- Visitors will spend about 12 minutes with each of you then rotate. You can do whatever you like with them. Photo editing, Blender, Web inspecting and coding….
- Should be my last day out. Regrets. I’d much rather be doing something productive with you.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 CAWD WEBSITE – Senior Portfolio
A web portfolio is a curated selection of work that provides an overview of your creative experience. It basically tells someone how you want to be understood. Your web portfolio can also serve as your main communication hub where the rest of your online presence branches out from.
I wasn’t going to introduce this until next week, however it makes sense to give you a look while I am out.
Requirements and Fine Print – Read
Take advantage of this production day and:
- Create a folder called WebPortolio on your desktop
- Code your About Me page (you already wrote it so that should be easy)
- Add your Resume page (you already coded that one too)
- Begin to collect the assets that you are interested in showing in your portfolio
- Continue working on your mood board to assist you with what your portfolio will look like.
10:35 Break

10:45 Visitor Hour / Mood Board / Portfolio work
Visitors will work through a rotation. You can choose whatever you like to show or do with them. If you are not working with a visitor, please see the 1:20 timeframe on this dayplan for the grand list of things you are working right now.
11:30 Variables in CSS and Custom Properties
Tomorrow when I return I am going to talk about variables.

Clean code is always a good goal to work towards. To reduce redundancies in your CSS you may want to learn about creating variables. I had a professor use the term DRY out your stylesheets (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
Take a view of this video so you can get an overview of variables. We’ll practice them when I return.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Literacy in Practice

1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
- CSS Two Ways – due Thursday, December 15th
- Mood Board – due end of day today 14th
- Skills USA production – Pin Pack, Job Skill Outline
- Portfolio – begin working
- 20% For Week 15 – is now assigned