Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Fourteen
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- This day in history – Attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941 – US goes to war with Japan
- Emmit – meeting today at 1:00pm with Ms. Charron
- Today! Visitors coming from Pretech @ 10:45am
- Station #1: Ryan & Matt – SkillsUSA Overview & Your Animation
- Station #2: Emma – web coding HTML/CSS / Inspecting & changing pages
- Station #3: Eric – character rig in Blender / or your choice
- Station #4: Lance – Working with Procreate and what 20% time is about
- Station #5: Finn – Game development in Unreal
- Asa alternative
- Rotations every 8 minutes. Ryan is timekeeper.
- Lastly, you see that I am not here today. I am helping my wife with a doctor’s appt. Be kind, represent CAWD well (as you always do). I will be on email today, so you can email me if you have questions.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 CSS Zen Garden of our own…. Ready Carefully
CSS Two Ways
Remember the CSS Zen Garden example yesterday. All those web designers used the same HTML code. No changes. From there, countless creative expression of content was created using CSS and some JS for some designers. The only limitation is creativity. Colors, fonts, layouts allow for countless variations and designs.
Your Task: Create two different Websites using the same HTML content. They should link through a nav menu. The code is below. You may add the necessary classes and IDs as you need to.
Showcase creative layout and CSS skills. Both sites should be very different!
The code below is your starting point. If you need / want additional images, navigate to the Waterfront Diving Center website or use pexels or unsplash.
Filename: CSStwoWays with all of your content inside that folder. Upload to server.
Naming for your two pages should be as follows:
- index.html for version 1
- index2.html for version 2
so your path would look like:
Here is your code. Feel free to add ids, classes and extra html markup as needed or change html markup as needed. However- do not delete or change the content!
<img src="" alt="Waterfront Diving Logo">
<a href="">Version 1</a>
<a href="">Version 2</a>
<h1>Waterfront Diving Center</h1>
<p>Waterfront Diving Center was established in 1988. Our goal has always been to provide our customers with the highest quality possible in everything we do. Quality in the brands of SCUBA, snorkeling and swimming gear that we sell. Quality in the service we provide after the sale. Quality in the adventure opportunities that we offer, locally, to the Caribbean, and beyond. We are particularly proud of the wide variety of professional diving instruction programs that we offer to the public.</p>
<p>Diving and snorkeling will open up an entire new world to you. It is an incredible journey, like nothing else on earth. Whether it's diving into the history of one of Vermont's Underwater Preserve shipwrecks, or exploring a beautiful tropical reef, trust the experienced professionals of Waterfront Diving Center to lead you safely through the underwater world. Conveniently located on Burlington's Historic Lake Champlain Waterfront. Access by boat or car. Opposite Perkins Pier Municipal Marina.</p>
<h2>Upcoming Classes</h2>
<h3>Snorkeling Clinic</h3>
<p>Our snorkeling clinic is designed to show people how to have fun using mask, fins and snorkel. Students will learn about the features and benefits of different types of equipment; how to determine proper fit; proper kicking techniques; breathing techniques; surface dives; and more.</p>
<p>The cost of the clinic is $35.00 and includes the use of equipment. However, if you'd like to buy your own snorkeling equipment we will offer 10% off masks, fins, and snorkels here at the shop for those who sign up for class. The minimum ages is 8 years old.</p>
<h3>Try Scuba</h3>
<p>We have had many people say to us, 'ever since I was a kid I have wanted to try scuba' – well now you can! At a Try Scuba event one of our instructors will spend a little time, usually 20 to 30 minutes, explaining the basic principles of diving and how the gear works. They will then take you on a shallow 'dive' in the safe environment of a pool or beach area. Although there is no time limit set for the diving portion, most people are in the water for about one half hour. We conduct many Try Scuba events for area municipalities and health clubs throughout the year. The minimum age is 12 years and pre-registration is required. No experience necessary.Cost of the clinic is $45.00</p>
<h2>Upcoming Events</h2>
<h3>South Caicos</h3>
<img src="" alt="">
<p>Join Instructor Wade Labrecque for 8 days and 7 nights at the beautiful East Bay
Resort located on South Caicos Island. The newest resort in the Reef Divers
family. </p>
<H3>Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest</H3>
<img src="" alt="">
<p>A hilarious way to celebrate the Halloween Holiday and support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. There will be prizes, chili, BBQ, hot cider, and plenty of atmosphere! All divers welcome!</p>
<p>214 Battery Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401</p>
<p>(802) 865-2771</p>
<p>Winter Hours</p>
<p>Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM</p>
<p>Saturday: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM</p>
<p>Sunday and Monday: CLOSED</p>
10:35 Break

10:45 Production Time – Use it well / wisely
- CSS Two Ways – Due December 15th
- The Good, Bad and Ugly Website – Mobile First Approach – December 8th
- Consider adding progressive features for larger screen so it looks good!
- Famous Photographer’s Research Project & Presentation – Thursday, December 8th
- be ready, practice, see instructions for details (hint…we don’t want to read your slides)
- Presentation order is on the white board.
- CopyThatNav Codepen from yesterday – use dropbox link on yesterday’s dayplan
- 20% For Week 14 – is now assigned
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Literacy in Practice
Independent Reading block from 12:45-11:10

1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
- The Good, Bad and Ugly Website – Mobile First Approach – December 8th
- Famous Photographer’s Research Project – December 8th
- 20% For Week 14 – is now assigned