Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Twenty Four
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- EHS B Day students have class at 12:25. Plan your lunch accordingly
- Regular break time today, however you may take your break earlier w/partner if you want to get food
- Game Day Friday – Fully Complete (that includes the animation that is due today)
- modeling
- storyboard
- 2D animation exercise (brick, waterballoon, dealer’s choice)
- past work (see me if you are unsure)
- When you are complete, you can play (it is a fair deal)
- Assets for PSA have been reviewed and graded and should be in the Community Folder. If you:
- completed all five assets and the assets on a plane (as instructed), filenames etc. then you earned an A
- If you completed all five assets but missed details in naming or materials you earned A-
- If you are missing assets or did not complete the directions correctly for all assets you earned between and F and a B. It’s not too late. Finish all 5 and I will improve your grade.
- Lastly, if your grade is low but you did the assets it is because they are not in the community folder!
- Students working with visitors:
- Second Session (11:05 – 11:30 8 Min rotations)
- The visitors will visit game/web teams in pairs then rotate
- Show them your SkillsUSA work, have them do a test run, show them how it works, break some code
- Team 1
- Eli
- Asa
- Team 2
- Finn
- Hayden
- Team 3
- Garret
- Emma
- Team 1
9:45 PSA Sounds Blitz
Let’s all take a moment to look at some audio sources to gather some useful clips for the PSA animation.
In the SafeDrivesSaveLIves Community Folder is an Audio Folder. Let’s go out and get some sounds that we might want.
Your task is to find a variety of sound effects – rename the file so that we know exactly what the sound is. (example, bottlebreak.mp3)
Audio Resources |
YouTube Audio Library | | |
partners in rhyme (scroll down to the middle section for the free stuff and sound effects!) |
10:00 Skills USA
Each team will have different work this morning based on your chosen competition:
Read your teams assignments carefully. A big part of the competition is being able to follow the guidelines that are written for each competition.
By Thursday at lunch – create a folder with your two names on the Public inside of the weeks “skillsUSA” folder. The folder is found at Public/CAWD. For example if Mr. Cronin and Mr. Bohmann were working together the folder would be:
- “croninBohmann”
Create your folder in the discipline you are working in. DO THIS FIRST
See Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics – read carefully
See Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics – read carefully
Your Assignment: Create Three more web pages called About SkillsUSA, SkillsUSA 3D Animation Teams 2023 and SkillsUSA Web Design Teams 2023.
- Using a horizontal navigation menu – link these three new pages to the page you made last week.
- I’ll help those teams that have never done a nav menu!
- Your home page or “landing page” will be “About SkillsUSA”. This page will be your index.html page
- Horizontal Menu should read: About SkillsUSA, Animation Teams, Game Teams, Web Design Teams
- Consolidate to one style sheet (only 1 style sheet for everything)
- Each page should have a h1 with the name above
- example: “Skills USA 3D Animation Teams 2023” and “SkillsUSA Web Design Teams 2023
- Work to get your styles working well on all pages (so they look related)
- On your About SkillsUSA Page, write a short summary of what SkillsUSA is. You can refer to Google to get some information, logos, images or whatever you like for your About Page. Basically summarize what SkillsUSA is about. What happens for students who win or medal? Where is the National Conference and what do they do there…
- Include a footer on all pages that has your team name and copyright information
- example: Bohmann/Cronin Copyright@2023
- You will need pictures and bio of Animation and Web Teams
- alt tags for all images
- Validate code with for HTML & CSS
- In the end you will have a Four Page Website, all linking together showcasing all of our students competing in Skills USA. The landing or homepage will be the About SKillsUSA page you created.
- Upload all of your pages / CSS / Images to your team folder
- Finally, review this list to make sure you did not miss anything.
- Work together, split up tasks and enjoy the process of learning new things.
12:15 Lunch
12:45 Literacy in Practice
1:10 Break
1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
- SkillsUSA
- I’m happy to help with drivers, shape keys, web code – just ask