Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Twenty Six
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- Looking ahead – normal week this week
- StepUp Day March 23rd (no CAWD or CTE classes)
- EHS classes in session
- No CTE Classes on March 24th
- StepUp Day March 23rd (no CAWD or CTE classes)
- Tom – Hireability Meeting on Friday at 11am
- Eric – Hireability Meeting on Friday at 10am
- YRBS Survey today at 9:45 after we’ll do PSA work
- PSA Facts Swap @ 10:25am
- Game Testing – all participants
9:50 YRBS – Youth Risk Behavior Survey

The survey is part of a larger effort to help communities increase the resiliency of young people by reducing high risk behaviors and promoting healthy behaviors. Vermont collects student responses every two years from nearly every high school and middle school in the state.
Is it anonymous? Do Students Tell the Truth? Read for yourself
When you are done with the survey, you will transition to your PSA project.
10:25 PSA Facts / Messaging Exchange
10:35 Break

10:45 – 12:15 SkillsUSA Game Testing

Each Skills Game team is going to be hosting gameplay testers. These gameplay testers are going to be giving Constructive Criticism.
All students must test each of the 9 games. This includes other Game team members. While one Game team member goes and tests out your competition, the other will stay at the team station to help setup / reset / etc.
Fill out this form for each team you test.
Thursday all of the data will be collated and reviewable – what you write as a tester is public and will be associated with your name. Be professional, be as detailed as you can be.
This a graded activity – we will be sorting the form to make sure that Emmit for example gives feedback for the 9 teams.
Get to every team – but don’t play for 5 minutes.
Get enough playtime to make some opinions, but don’t hog the machine. Lots of people have to get through each station. It is your job to hit every team by lunch and fill out the form. Saying “I didn’t get to them” isn’t an excuse.
Hit every team and give good constructive criticism.
It will be a bit loud this AM, and that is ok – just keep the volume acceptable and don’t make more noise than you have to.
When you finish all nine teams – you can work on your PSA.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Literacy in Practice

1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
- PSA Animatic due for viewing Monday, March 20th
- SkillsUSA Practice
- 2D Walking Animation – Due Today!
- Lip Sync project planning
- PSA Facts Sheet