Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Twenty Seven (27)
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Last day of this week – you all are off the next two days
- Early release for BFA – if you take the bus you’ll have a short day
- Room clean today – 1:50 (recycle, file, organize, dust)
- New Project in Unity – Download the 3D Core – Name it Terrain_Practice
9:45 PSA Worksession
While Unity is taking it’s sweet time downloading, we’ll use this work session time to tackle your PSA.
I am going to interrupt you several times to download some packages for some Unity work after break.
Since you are not at CTE until Monday and these PSAs are going to viewed for final grades on Wednesday, use your time well!
By the end of today, your PSA should have:
- All Models
- All Cameras
- Blocking and Scenes Changes
- Text / Messaging – leave at least 5 seconds for your reader
- Audio for sound design
- Some materials
- Working animations
10:35 Break

10:45 Leveraging Unity’s Asset Store and Terrain Creation

Unity has a terrain tool installed already, however we have to activate it and add some dependent packages. Let me demonstrate.
Besides what is in the Unity Registry, Unity’s Asset store is full of content that can be used for game development, game prototyping, architectural renderings and animations and visual effects.
Let’s look at how the terrain system in Unity works and build out a scene together. There are a lot of great assets you may like to explore and import.
Remember, you don’t have to include an entire asset library. During the import process you can pick and choose. Here are some that you might find enjoyable….
- Fantasy Landscapes
- Grass Flower Pack by ALP8310
- Conifers BOTD
- Coconut Palm Tree Pack
- Outdoor Ground Textures
- Nature Starter Kit 2
- Rocky Hills Environment Light
- Sun Temple by Sandro T
- Flooded Grounds by Sandro T
- Modular First Person Controller by JECASE
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Literacy in Practice

1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
SkillsUSA Practice
Lip Sync project planning
Unity practice