Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty Three
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- Early release for Milton, EHS today
- Latest Trends in Video Game Development
- May 17th and 24th no school unless you are on the list from yesterday
- Congratulations to Ryan!
- John H. Poteat Scholarship from NTHS
9:45 CAWD Final Project
Want to Play Cowboys Hidden Valley Ranch – Nice Reaction type game

Our final CAWD2 project of the year will be your very own game. During the next three weeks you will use this space and all of the equipment and resources you need to build a great game of your own. You may work in a team (up to 3 people) or you may work alone.
(disclaimer: if you are part of a team and are not fully subscribed, I will assign additional game dev work to you)
You will create one playable game in 2D or 3D using the Unity or Unreal game engines.
Given the time you have, working prototypes are desirable.

There must be some kind of gameplay – think the games we started in class: pinball, lunar lander, Cawd Rollerball and Arkanoid. With each game we designed, we were able to quickly play with some objective and some win/lose conditions. Our games were prototypes, but they had lots of possibilities.
Date | Week | Deliverable | Software Development Cycle |
May 10th – 12th | One | Project Intro, Game idea generation, pre-planning | Planning |
May 15th – 19th | Two | Game Design Document, Asset creation / Coding | Analysis / Design |
May 22nd – May 26th | Three | GUI, Movement, Core Mechanics | Design / Implementation |
May 3th – Jun 2nd | Four | Prototype with game play | Testing/Maintenance / Publishing/Evaluation |
June 7th -8th | Game Jam | Evaluation |
In the process of building your game, you will use a Trello board to track and share your progress. Each week there will be updates from you or your game team on the status of your deliverable. If you work alone, you will provide the update.
Every game will have a Trello board. It will count as 100 points. You’ll earn full points for being detailed and less points for less detail!
Every game will have a Game Design Document. It will count as 100 points. You’ll earn full points for a nicely well thought out document with no typos, errors and grammatically error free. I’ll provide you with a template. Have someone proofread your work.
Every game will be tested to provide user feedback. That feedback will be summarized with actionable steps. It will count as 100 points.
Every game will be scored for playability. It will count as 100 points. If we can play it and the game has some objective with Win / Lose conditions you may earn up to full point value
Every game will be published as a or .exe game. It will count as 50 points. Full credit for publishing, no credit for not publishing.
Every game will is required to have a Home Screen and a Credits screen in addition to the game play. It will count as 100 points. The nicer the UI and the inclusion ( game over, score, health, damage and other UI elements) is desirable. However, an effective UI is what you are after.
Game Salesperson. You are the ambassador for your game. As game ambassador, you can earn up to 50 points for being able to speak about and sell your game to others. This can be demonstrated when telling others about your game.
I’ll write up a rubric for this project. Total points: 600 points!
All Games must be complete for grading on Thursday, June 8th. We will have an official game jam and invite others to enjoy our games too.
This Week Deliverables:
- Are you on a team or working solo – email me with details by lunch on Friday
- Trello board shared with me (one Trello board per game)
- The best approach is to list all of the things you can think of in your To Do column
- I’d start by writing the deliverables above (and then all the tasks that go with it!)
- Game Design Document – rough draft (due by Monday) with working title
GDD template that you may use
Pretty Basic given the amount of time, but full of possibilities… Bonk Bat

10:35 Break

10:45 Game Dev Work session

CAWD Fun Games – Game Studio
- Pick a one button game to build from your group (ore create a new game idea)
- Select a role(s)
- (Project Manager, Sound Design, Game Designer, Game Coder(s), Game Producer, Asset Creator, Texture Artist, UI artist / developer, storyboard artist, etc…. there are many roles, )
- Build a game
- This is a team effort. You will support each other and work together.
- Go as far as you can in this limited window (90 minutes today)
To be successful as a team, you need to know the deliverables:
- One Game Design Document (Here is a template)
- A playable game (prototype is fine) in Unity IDE or published as .exe file
- A Home Screen with Game Title
- Play Button that opens the game
- Credits Button that opens Credits Screen (credits list roles of all team members)
My first suggestion is to talk about your one button games together. Have a time keeper. Work together to quickly select one of your games as the team choice.
My second suggestion is to think about what you’d like to contribute and divide up the roles. Having someone as the organizer will really help your team (game producer and/or project manager)
Then, break up the roles and be clear what you are working on. Commit to your role!
For example:
- Will – Game Developer and coder, set up game project, scenes and basic code
- Karen – Timekeeper and Project Manager, creating game design document, tracking deliverables
- Hannah – Visual Design Artist – color palettes, fonts, layout of Home, Credits Screen
- Ella – Asset creator / Texture Artist- Blender
- Libby – Sound Design, timekeeper
- Reese – Game Designer – strategy, core mechanics
12:10 Updates
At 12:10 a representative from your group will share out where you are, what you accomplished and what is next.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Independent Reading

1:10 Break

1:20 Independent Project Worktime of Individual Support
- Level Design Using Unity ProBuilder
- Game Design Document / Trello Board
- 20% for this week