Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Thirty Six (36)
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- Kaden, you are excused at 1:40pm today for your phone call
- Equipment Returns – if you have equipment, it is now due
- Wacky Wednesday Schedule this week
- If you are an EHS student and do not plan on attending CTE for “senior skip” , you will earn an unexcused absence. You will want your parent’s to get you excused for the day
- Game Testing Thursday and Friday
- If you are not here on Thursday, you will be playtesting your game on Friday, be prepared
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Web Professionals Practice Session

10:00 A Day at Work – Video Game Design
Getting to the core of design through gameplay
Over the next two days you will have people test your game, or at least what you have built so far. Some of you are ready to do testing, some will be in a better position in a day or two.
Testing works best when you know what you are testing. The UI? The Core Mechanic? The Storyline? …..
Review your Google Form. What do you want feedback on? What do you want to know to make improvements while still in the early stages of your game?
Maybe include one additional question – In this game I wish……
You can ask your testers for feedback on specific parts of your game you want them to test. By the end of the week you will have feedback that you can use as maintenance for your game. (If you are on a team, work together to gather questions).
After game feedback, you will have a short sprint to incorporate changes, suggestions and make improvements before presenting your final game next week.
CAWD Game Studio
OBS Walkthrough – Core Mechanic
The Task: Use OBS to demonstrate the core mechanic for your game. Use Premiere to create titles or use voice over to describe what the mechanic is. I want to see it in action, and I want to hear or read about it when I view your clip. While you play your game, explain what you are doing, and how it is the core mechanic of your game. For full credit we need to see the completed mechanic.
It is ok that you are in prototype mode. Doing a core mechanic overview give us the pitch/purpose of your game. I am going to catalog these videos to share with future classes.
Remember The core mechanic in a game will usually be the purposeful interaction that occurs the most frequently. Jumping, collecting, sliding, farming, etc…..
When complete create a file animation called “CoreGameMechanic_LastName.mp4”
This assignment is due by Friday Afternoon – end of day.
We are working towards game play and testing this week

Game Testing Schedule
Game Testing
Cardboard Crusher
Robot Miner
Giger Run
Dungeon Doubloons
Andy’s Game
Shadow Strider
Game Testing
Nexus Trace
Slime Scape
The Bush
Game Publishing
Please review the archived dayplan from May 4th and May 5th. You will be able to review how to prepare your game for publishing.
You are working towards a playable prototype. To make testing more authentic, create a build (an .exe) file of your game. You can call this first version your Alpha.
So if my game was being published it would be BohmannBrickBreaker_Alpha.exe.
Alphas will need to be published by Thursday & Friday of this week for testing.
There is a folder on Public Called “CAWD Game Studio”. Place your alpha .exe files there for credit.
10:35 Break

10:45 CAWD Game Studio Work Session

Throw in the Towel (I’m done until game testing feedback)
If you have completed the alpha of your game and do not plan to continue developing, revising and generally working on your Cawd final game project, you will need to continue working on a project independently. This may be:
Your How To for English
A CAWD Knowledge Exchange – where you take your favorite topic, build a lesson and plan to teach us how to do it. You become the teacher and we build, learn, practice with you. We can schedule a day to present next week.
CAWD Project Revision – you take a project from the year that you’d like to improve, add on, revise or just overall go “further”. You’ll share your “mod” with us next week
SkillsUSA (if this applies to you)
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Independent Reading

1:10 Break

1:20 Independent Project Work Time of Individual Support
- Incomplete Work
- Game Dev time / Passion Projects