Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Nine
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- As you can see, I am out today. I came down with a stomach bug about 4:30 yesterday.
- Today– College Visits:
- Champlain College CTE Conference Room 10-11am
- Vermont State University CTE Conference Room 11:15 – 12:15
- You are excused to go to the visit, but you must communicate with the teacher and your group.
- Haunted House Drop Box – We’ll be doing an activity with this on Monday so be sure to upload your completed House. You can also drop in your Jack 0 Lantern too.
- Call backs – a list (8 students) at 11:30am today) see below
- Costumes – As long as we stay in dress code, costumes are a tradition in CAWD for Halloween. Prizes and a fun photo for our group.
- Lastly, The Force – is due tomorrow. We will watch and celebrate your group’s work at 11:50am. That is the deadline. Plan and work to that time frame. You will have:
- Today – full day
- Thursday – up until showtime.
- Don’t wait to export and render – plan ahead. Hurry up so you can wait!
9:40 Attendance
9:45 – 10:35 On Location / In the Editing Room / May the Force Be With You
Start will scrum meetings this morning to make a plan on how you will tackle the day to complete your projects. Keep those KanBan Boards up to date.
Remember, your project is complete when the deliverables are met. Refer to the assignment DropBox.

10:35 – 10:45 Break

10:45 – (Up until lunch) The Force project work time

11:30 Call Backs – Report to Room m117
Emma, Tom, Hayden
Asa, Eric, Garrett
Matt, Emmit
11:55 or 12:15 Lunch depending on your schedule

12:45 Work Time – The Force

1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
- LTA Photography Assignment – Monday, October 31st Due – Presentations on November 1st
- CAWD Sweatshirt: Digital Design – Due November 1st
- May The Force Be With You Group Project
- 20% Production