Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Six
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day and CTE White Day
- EHS wacky day – EHS classes begin at 12:25pm.
- Reminder – No School Friday or Monday
- CAWD Open House – tomorrow night @ 6pm – 7:30pm
- Field Trip Tomorrow – Catamount Family Center in Williston
- Shoes, Jacket, Camera
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Horror Movie Title Sprint
As teams you should be finishing up on your Horror Movie Title.
Tips: View together. Are you happy? Did you hit the deliverables?
Iterative design says that we should get feedback, test, revise

Have a quick scrum meeting with your team.
- What are you working on now?
- What are you working on next?
- I need help with… (if applicable)
10:45 Picture Blitz
Find your best photos. D
rop them in your own folder in the A_CAWD2BestPhotos folder. This folder will serve as a reference for open house Thursday. No camera raw extensions. Only jpgs. Everyone needs to have some photos in there.
10:55 Horror Movie Title Screening

11:00 Video CoPilot Plug-in [Saber] and Special Effects

The goal of working with After Effects has been to get you more comfortable adding and complimenting your animation and digital footage. Be it Blender Animations, photography or cinema production for a personal YouTube channel or stream, having a better understanding of industry tools will just make your productions that much better.
This morning, we’ll play with a Third Party Plug-in to AE. We’ll go over some basics for today. You’ll want to play around and see the kinds of things you can create.
You’ll need your cameras and and partner. Film some powerful poses:
- Hands over head squeezing the plant or Hands over head stretching hands slowly
- Hands at chest squeezing a powerful force
- Shooting power from your hands
- Broomstick, slicing and chopping
When we get back to the classroom we’ll play around with some of the effects and see what you all come up with.
You’ll need to install the Video CoPilot Saber Plug In. Here is the link to the downloads page.
Today’s Dailies will be your own saber creation.

12:15 Lunch

12:45 Glitch Effect – Photoshop

Let’s continue with some more Photoshop mini lessons. We’ll work with RGB color shift today to create the every popular glitch effect.
Smart Layers and smart objects allow layers to have transforms applied in a non- destructive way which allows us to go back and make changes infinitely
Rasterizing allows for the manipulation of pixels. In this project, we take many layers and group them, then merge to flatten them.
Copy of the glitch process of your records.
1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
20% Project – Due Monday, October 3rd