Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Five
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day and CTE White Day
- EHS wacky day – EHS classes begin at 12:25pm.
- When you finish with the Survey, prepare your logo. We’ll do a random order for presentations
- Lance – Call back to Ms. Wilson class for 12:45pm
9:40 Attendance
9:45 DESSA Survey

DESSA-High School Edition suite has helped districts and out-of-school time programs support students grades 9-12 grow their social and emotional competence in preparation for college and career.
CTE is a career and college preparation program and this program is a new initiative this year. Survey.
Students LOG IN with their CTE email and password they created when they registered for the DESSA.
IF a student cannot remember their password, they can reset it by clicking on “Forgot Password” which will send a link to their email account.
10:00 Animated Logo Showcase

Let’s check out your logos. Did you add any effects? Did you have any creative breakthroughs? Did you like/dislike this project? Do you have something to say about your logo – this is your opportunity!
10:45 Agile Project Management with Scrum & Kanban

Today’s modern office setting, especially in the technology production and design fields is based on solid project management practices. Companies like Dealer, EASports, Zynaga, Google, General Motors all work in teams formed for specific purposes.
The goal of these teams is to deliver ideas to market in the shortest amount of time with the greatest user satisfaction. How do they do it?
Simple – Project Management
Presentation Materials Slide Deck
Definition: The Agile Approach
Is a practice that enables teams to produce high quality work and complete projects early and often. The proven standard for software development.
Today we’ll look at one framework called Scrum and use a tool to help complete our activities.
A KanBan board.
Activity – AirForce Airplane Factory – Instructions will be provided.
Activity #2 Trello
Create an account with Trello ( using your school gmail account. The style of board you will be making is called a KanBan board. We made one the other day so all you probably need to do is just use the login with Google Option
Create a KanBan board for (some suggestions to work with)
- College Planning / Application Process
- Personal Project
- School Project
- Champlain College Portfolio Requirements
The point of this activity is to get familiar with the tools available for breaking down a large project into small deliverables. Break your KanBan board into 3 columns: To Do, In Progress, Complete.
Begin to create your To Do’s (also called a Project Backlog) on your board.
You will share your KanBan board with me (
11:30 Horror Movie Intro / Title Sequence – Group Project

Why Horror Movie title? Creepy is the season – October is nearly upon us. Plus you get to add all the cool effects like adjusting curves, tint, noise, color correction, re, smoke, crystals, stretch, distortion, smear, (need I go on) and a pile of other effects found in After Effects.
Why Group Project – we live and work with others. This is an easy project to coordinate responsibilities and roles. Don’t let your personal limits on working with groups define you. Practice, practice, practice. Hey we all can learn to dance and it gets easier (and less embarrassing) and more fun!
The Deliverables: (You know you are done when….)
- Title (your movie title is: Creeps from the Deep)
- Duration: 10 – 25 seconds
- Created in After Effects (you may also edit together in Premiere but not really necessary)
- Five Visual Effects (minimum)
- Two Text Effects (minimum)
- Scary, Creepy, Campy – convincing
- Trello board for team
- Defined Participant Roles (who is doing what) listed in Trello Board
- Sound / Sound FX (copyright free only)
- Rendered as .mp4
- Filename: HorrorMovie.mp4
Unsplash and Pexels are great places to go to grab commercial free licensed work.
Add sound to your composition as well.
YouTube Audio Library
Free Music Archive – Search by music style
Incompetech – Royalty free music
There are templates on the internet – do not use them! There are tutorials out there which may be helpful, but if you do follow one, choose to be original and inspired by what you learn. You do not need a tutorial to complete this project. Just dedicate some time to exploring / creating.
Mr. B’s ProTips for a successful project:
Idea brainstorm – all ideas welcome / vote to decide
Define Roles – some participants might have multiple
File Management – how to handle
Daily Scrum (what are you working on, what do you need, what’s next)
Preview work together
Agree on when the project is complete
This Project is due by Wednesday, October 5th – 1 week! We will showcase at 10:45am
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Resume Work Session or Blender Sculpting Challenge
All of you have your resumes back in hand. Second drafts are due for Monday. Some things to review….
- Digital Photography 1 (V22FA ART-1310-VC02) 3 Credits
- Python Programming (V22FA CIS-2210-VO02) 3 Credits
- Certified Web Designer Apprentice or Associate (CWDSA)
- WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate
Power Verbs from the Owl at Purdue writing Center
Comprehensive List all organized
Sculpting Challenge: Pumpkin!
1:10 Break

1:20 20% Production Time & Guided Support
20% Project – Due Monday, October 3rd
Resume – Draft Two – Due Monday October 3rd
Lower Thirds – Due Tuesday, October 4th
Horror Movie Title Project – Due Wednesday, October 5th