Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
It’s happening! Start of a crazy week! Good vibes, good energy, different. Early break today, only an AM article till Friday, no dailies this week, no Critiques, no reading requirements, no English Thursday, no forced “get out” breaks, no speed designs…. CAWD and CAWD2 will be mixed, it’s a really fun week.
- Happy April! Say Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit, but only if you want good luck … maybe for something … this week.
- What does this week look like?
- Monday – Move Computers around for different competitions.
- Tuesday – Skills Day
- Wednesday – Skills Day
- Thursday – State Design Competitions in CAWD! Plan to arrive at 7:30 for Competitions if you are a Animation or Web Team – Game teams arrive as normal with presentations starting right at 10:10.
- Friday – put everything back to normal / relax the rest of the day.
- In reward for such a crazy week? 3 day weekend for the eclipse! There may even be a better reward…but I don’t think it has been published yet. Stay tuned….
- The work you turn in today is part of Q4 – oh by the way, we are in the 4th quarter!
Paper resumes will be turned in on Wednesday at the start of class to Mr. Bohmann. Don’t start the State Design Competitions with a negative score – be ready. Should one “more organized” partner collect and hand them in for both of you?
10:05 Attendance and Article (last article until Friday afternoon!)
10:10 Last Looks

- Mad Lib
- In a folder called “madLib“
- Week 28 Agency
- (lastName)Agency_1.jpg
- (lastName)Agency_2.jpg
- (lastName)Agency_3.jpg
- DH28: Summative Still Life Final
- (lastName)DH28.jpg
- AND (lastName)DH27.jpg – I have to do a before / after
10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)


When we are in our spots, get to work on your Skills work for the week!
12:00 Week 28 Skills Production – DESIGN COMPETION WEEK!!!!

Time to get serious…again. Here is the State Animation competition from 2022.
Read through the specifics, and hit ALL deliverables by the end of the day on Wednesday. (ignore the times in the document, obviously)
I am not telling you ANY of the specifics – figure them out as a team, as I am grading you against them. This is how Thursday will work anyway, time to practice the real world.

Our schedule:
Jan 25, 26 – GDD / STOT / Mood BoardFeb 1,2 – Work and document with Alpha testing as our next deliverable.Feb 8,9 – Work and document with Alpha testing as our next deliverable.Feb 15,16 – Alpha Testing and Feedback. This is an early test, conducted after the development phase but before Beta testing. It’s considered a form of internal acceptance testing. Mr. Cronin will play each of your games on Thursday the 15th and Friday the 16th. I must have a playable character to “be”, a world to interact in, and a reason to do what we are doing. This is more than just a level demo – we should start seeing basic gameplay mechanics (collection, opening, exploring, etc.)Feb 21, 22 – Work and document with Beta Testing as our next deliverable.March 7,8 – Work and document with Beta Testing as our next deliverable.March 14,15 – Beta Testing and Feedback. You must have all that you had in Alpha testing, now with sound, a complete 1st level, UI elements, and an achievable goal. This is your MVP – or Minimum Viable Product to pitch to the judges. If the judges walked in the door we should be able to sell our game to them this week.March 19, 20 – Create Game Trailer for judging (OBS + Premiere + Sound Design)March 28, 29 – Create and practice 10 minute presentation for judging.
- April 1st, 2nd, 3rd – Current. Filming / reviewing presentation and get it all to work.
Starting Tuesday at the START of class we will have presentations filmed and returned to groups. There is a schedule. Assume you are going first. If you can’t go, you get a 0 and I move to the next group.
You will get (1) 10 minute take, just as the State Competition. If we have time once everyone is filmed I am happy to film you again – but we can’t start stop, start, stop, start and then stop. Get your presentation ready TODAY so you are ready to present tomorrow first thing.
Then get your game perfect.
This is it.
The only deliverable you have is your 10 minute review presentation. I will have it, so you don’t need to turn it in – but it is graded. You knock it out of the park? Enjoy your A. You giggle and are not prepared. Enjoy your F.

See Mr. Bohmann’s CAWD2 Dayplan.
12:25 Lunch

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:55 Attendance
1:00 Week 28 Skills Production

1:20 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

1:30 Week 28 Skills Production

2:45 Dismissal