Class Hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Cronin
- Plan to be outside Friday afternoon – dress appropriately and bring things to throw / catch / or just to relax outside with – bring a keytar? Have something to do outside, bring your sketchbook, bring beach chairs to sit outside with, bring a portable speaker for a dance party, bring a loaf of bread to feed the birds, etc.
- Today is the last day in class we will have to:
- Complete Portfolio V1
- Complete DH 31
- Complete this week’s Agency
- Complete missing work
- Tomorrow we are having English and going outside!
- EP you have to be in the library to start testing today at 1:30. I have no more info than this – looking for someone named Julie Galati – does that ring a bell?
10:05 Attendance and Article
10:10 Pass Fail

- Create a new website using the Twenty Twenty Four Theme. Include the word “sports” in the domain.
- Create 4 pages (4 links in the navigation)
- Frisbee – has a YouTube video block of frisbee playing
- Darts – has a YouTube video block of Darts being played
- Skateboarding – has a YouTube video block skateboarding
- Vacation – has a map block with somewhere you want to visit
When you think you are complete – paste your URL here and I will test on the big board.
When checked off – move into your Portfolio V1.
10:50 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minute break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
11:00 English

11:55 CAWD Portfolio V1

Get it done! Get everything done!
12:25 Lunch

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:55 Attendance and Article
1:00 Steve Jobs Biography

Read along with Mr. Cronin. Improve literacy, word decoding, enjoy a nice story, and unplug from the world.
1:20 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minute break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
1:30 Speed Design

Speed Designs are 10 minute sprints in CAWD where we practice. It could be any medium – 3D, 2D, video, programming, etc.
1:45 Afternoon Practice & Production

- CAWD Portfolio V1
- URL linked through Google sheet in the Wednesday Dayplan
- DH31: Baseline Portrait
- lastNameDH31.jpg
- Week 31 Agency
- (lastName)Agency_1.jpg
- (lastName)Agency_2.jpg
- (lastName)Agency_3.jpg
- … or give me an mp4 if animated, or a still if a sketch
Missing work?
2:20 Dailies

2:25 “19 Minutes”

4 of 5 days per week we will end our day in CAWD with the “19 Minutes” of silent reading. Closing down our day with silent reading provides many benefits:
- Improve Literacy Skills / Reading Stamina
- Create space for a small reading meditation where we can disconnect from the world and get lost in a story
- Unplug
At 2:44 each day I will come to 3 students and ask for a 1 sentence explanation of what happened in your story over that day’s reading session. It is neat to hear little pockets of a story, here and there.
2:45 Dismissal