Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Tuesday! 48 hours until the Vermont Design Competitions!
### What to wear ### You should wear professional attire for the competition on Thursday. Would you show up to your first day on the job in a sweatshirt and pajama bottoms? I think not.
### For Competition day ### Pants not shorts. A dress shirt. Polo or button down is good. Pants are required. While the SkillsUSA National competition outlines white shirt and black pants, we are allowing some leeway since the competition is primarily in house. Business Casual. Please don’t buy anything. I have SkillsUSA Polos and can give your one if you don’t think you have a shirt that will pass. Talk to me today if you need a shirt to wear.
### Weather ### if we have a weather cancellation or delay, we will host all competition on Friday, April 5th. We’ll follow the same times as the fourth. So Animation and Web teams will begin promptly at 8am with the Game teams at 10:10am.
### Resumes ### Please email your resume prior to Thursday. Or hand a hard copy to me. This is a SkillsUSA requirement.
Attention Regarding Next School Next Week!
Monday April 8th – nobody has school. Eclipse day
Tuesday April 9th and Wednesday April 10th will be Work-Keys Standardized Testing post-tests, the second half of the battery of tests we are taking to gauge your skills in Workplace Documents and Applied Math.
On these days we will not have CAWD nor CTE academic classes – these days are only for Work-Keys post testing only. I have to keep you until the end of the day (2:45) unless your family calls you out after the testing – then you can go home right after the testing. If your family doesn’t call you out (and doesn’t come get you, or let you drive home) you are here until 2:45 on Tuesday, and 1:50 on Wednesday as normal. There will be no educational activities on these days beyond the testing in the morning.
Students that will be testing in Workplace Documents on Tuesday, April 9th:
- Peyton Ballard-Charbonneau – in CAWD1
- Aidan Bergeron – in CAWD2
- Phoenix Bullard – in CAWD1
- Dylan Companion – in CAWD1
- Scott Costello-Terifay – in CAWD1
- Samuel Little – in CAWD1
- Sapan Pradhan – in CAWD1
- Braden Simpson – in CAWD1
- Gabriela Statnic – in CAWD2
- Jace Stevenson – in CAWD2
- Alexander Underhill – in CAWD1
- Megan Wells – in CAWD2
- Alexander Zimmerman – in CAWD1
Students not on this list will NOT come to CTE on Tuesday, April 9th.
Students that will be testing in Applied Math on Wednesday, April 10th:
- Peyton Ballard-Charbonneau – in CAWD1
- Aidan Bergeron – in CAWD2
- Phoenix Bullard – CAWD1
- Dylan Companion – CAWD1
- Scott Costello-Terifay – CAWD1
- Mia Fiozzo – CAWD1
- Samuel Little – CAWD1
- Braden Simpson – CAWD1
- Gabriela Statnic CAWD2
- Alexander Underhill – makeup on April 12th as MMU has a conflict on the 10th
- Alexander Zimmerman – makeup on April 12th as MMU has a conflict on the 10th
Students not on this list will NOT come to CTE on Wednesday, April 10th.
Yes this in fact means that some of you will get a 5 day weekend, and you will start your week on Thursday. Questions come and see me individually.
10:05 Attendance
10:05 Skills Production
You have until the end of the day Wednesday to turn in CAWD deliverables!
Game Team Presentations and Video Recording:
- 10:10 – Brody / Dylan
- 10:25 – Sparky / Phillip
- 10:40 – Xavier / Zander
Morning Break after Xavier and Zanders recording
11:05? Skills Production
Game Team Presentations and Video Recording:
- 11:05 – Phoenix / Sam
- 11:20 – Zim / Scotty
- 11:35 – Alex / Ben
- 11:50 – Aiden / Kevin
- 12:05 – Jace / Tennyson
12:25 Lunch
- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:55 Attendance
1:00 Skills Production
Game Team Presentations and Video Recording:
- 1:05 – Mia / Otto (before break)
Afternoon Break after Mia and Otto’s recording
1:30 Skills Production
Game Team Presentations and Video Recording:
- 1:35 – Tobi / Peyton