Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Today is a CTE Blue Day and an EHS B Day
We have visitors today (3) for first session
- Nick
- Josh
- Philip
We have 1 visitor second session (Nick)- they will code with us to make our game. Make sure that student fills out visitor information form.
10:10 SkillsUSA
Each team will have different work this morning based on your chosen competition:
Read your teams assignments carefully. A big part of the competition is being able to follow the guidelines that are written for each competition.
By Friday at lunch – create a folder with your two names on the Public inside of the weeks “skillsUSA” folder. The folder is found at Public/CAWD. For example if Mr. Cronin and Mr. Bohmann were working together the folder would be:
- “croninBohmann”
Create your folder in the discipline you are working in. DO THIS FIRST
See Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics – read carefully
See Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics – read carefully
Last week we shook things up and worked as two big teams. You had the chance to divide up roles, learn from others and produce a larger project with more moving parts. This week, each of you will be working on your own, solo, by yourself, independently. Make sure you understand the deliverables.
Your folder will be your last name. All web items will be inside that folder. 12:25 Friday is your deadline!
The Deliverables
You are going to choose 1 of 3 projects. You should pick the project you think you are capable of, if not slightly pushing yourself!
Project Choice #1 – Recreate this recipe just as you see it. You may substitute a different image. I have a hard copy in the CAWD2 classroom too of this recipe.
This project will test your layout skills, flexbox, span & div, custom fonts.
Project Choice #2 – Recreate this webpage -just the visible part you see – also make it responsive!
This project will test your layout skills, navigation, css, buttons and media management, responsive design and media queries.
Project Choice #3 – Full Website redesign – just the main page of the Puppy Ranch
This project will test out your layout, design, navigation, color, fonts, media management, inspector tools and allows for a lot of creativity. I am not looking for the same page. I am looking for an entire redesign of this landing page that is more modern!
On Friday by 12:25pm – Upload your completed project to your folder.
In your web folder you will have:
- One single webpage. It will be called index.html
- Images will be in an images folder
- CSS stylesheet will be in a css folder
- Font folder for fonts if you are using fonts you have to download
- A reflection – Make a google doc / download as a PDF. Filename: Reflection
- In your reflection, write a short summary (some suggestion to write about) :
- how well you think you did, what challenges you faced, how you overcame your challenges, how well you used your time, what resources you used and finally grade yourself.
- Proofread and fix spelling and grammatical errors.
- Last – test to see that I will be able to view everything in your submission folder! and that your webpage works.
As always, validate your code – HTML / CSS. Practice commenting and organizing your code.
10:55 Break
11:05 Unity – Flappy Burger Continued….
Ok, let’s get a score for our Flappy Burger. To make a score work, we’ll need to add a new library for displaying and using Text.
A UI is really good for managing health, time and score. Today we will:
- Set up a UI (called Text)
- Create a Logic Manager to manage high level functions like score, etc….
- Create a Trigger on our PreFab so that the score is added when the player passes through the trigger
- Finally, some heavy lifting as we need to make two scripts talk to each other.
We’ll make two scripts total. I am going to name one of them LogicManager and the other MiddlePipeTrigger
Logic Manager – we’ll have to add using UnityEngine.UI; to the top of this script
public int playerScore; //whole number for score
public Text scoreText; //references the UI
//we are going to run this function from other scripts so we'll make this function public
//this script needs to add 1 to the player score and change the text on the UI to be this number
public void AddScore()
playerScore = playerScore + 1;
scoreText.text = playerScore.ToString(); //converts the integer to a string
MiddlePipeTriggerScript – this script will go on the empty collider between our pipes
public LogicManager logic; //this will reference your logic script - use whatever //you named your logic manager
void Start()
//lets set the logic variable above to match a game object, don't forget to add //tag logic to your logic manager
logic = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Logic").GetComponent<LogicManager>();
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
//we want to run the AddScore function we created but it exists in another //script, so we need to make a variable
//at the top of this script to find that logic manager
11:50 SkillsUSA
12:25 – 12:55 Lunch
12:55 Independent Reading
1:20 Break
1:30 Design Challenge
1:55 Production Time and Guided Support
- PSA Storyboard
- PSA Asset Modeling
- Jump Animation
- Past Due work….
2:40 Dailies
Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive