Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Today is a CTE Blue Day
Don’t forget to fill out this form for lunch TODAY! for CCV Lunch
Last Day of the Quarter is tomorrow. 3pm. Deadline for all work!
CCV classes on Friday – the usual – I’ll open by 9:15am.
Today at 1:20pm – Communal Work Time for Drawing 1 students- DCM Classroom (you are excused if you plan to attend)
Tuesday, Oct 31st- The Halloween Costume Contest – On Hold….
It’s back! Student Leadership is holding their annual Halloween Costume Contest on Tuesday, Oct 31st during B and C Lunch- that’s starting at 11:55 and ending at 12:55, a whole hour! Drop by our table in the Courtyard Hallway in your costumes for photos, candy, and a great time.
The categories this year are: Couples, Group (3+), Most Original, Character, and Best In Show!
(And remember: our simple rules are No Masks (except for photos), No Weapons, and Be Culturally Respectful!)
10:10 After Effects – Sleek Slideshow in AE
By now your should be wrapping up with the LTA Photography assignment. Details are in Google Classroom. There are a number of deliverables for this project so make sure you review.
Ok, this demo is a little more heavy lifting than yesterday. However, once the initial set up is complete, we can quickly assemble the rest of our photos.
So, let’s dig in to After Effects and look at some custom slideshow options we can create using our AE skills. If you have a couple of pictures to work with, great find them now. Otherwise, you can use my examples and since you downloaded to your desktop yesterday, this should be a good place to start. We will be creating multiple compositions in one composition.
I’ve written up the process for your reference. Make a copy for your files.
If there is time we’ll also play around with making a light leak.
The Font I am using is ITC Avant Garde
10:50 Break
11:00 How Much Do you Know?
We spent the last eight or so weeks playing with our cameras and getting comfortable with composing and taking pictures. Let’s see how much you remember…. Link to the Socrative Quiz
11:20 How to Learn from your Mistakes and Level Up Assignment
People often describe failure as a teachable moment— a necessary stumble on our way to improvement. Let’s watch a short Ted Talk animation about how learning from our mistakes isn’t always easy.
Next, look over your assignments from the Quarter. Is there one that can use some more improvement? Use this short window to look back at your work and figure out which assignment could use a little more attention. This might be a chance to take an assignment to an A.
Pick One (and only one) assignment (if you are all complete). Rework and resubmit. You can email me the assignment directly for grading. You have until the end of the day for this revision. Use your time well.
12:25 – 12:55 Lunch
12:55 Independent Reading
1:20 Break
1:30 Design Challenge
1:55 Production Time and Guided Support
- Past Due Work – Due Friday
- CAWD Sweatshirt – Digital Design – Due Nov. 1st
- Silhouette Assignment – Due Oct. 30th
- Double Exposures – Due Oct. 30th
- Horror Project touch ups – Due Oct. 30th
- Second Draft Resumes – turn if if you want a review
2:40 Dailies
Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive