Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance

Two days to SkillsUSA
What to wear: You should wear professional attire for the competition on Thursday. Would you show up to your first day on the job in a sweatshirt and pajama bottoms? I think not.
For Competition day: Pants not shorts. A dress shirt. Polo or button down is good. Pants are required. While the SkillsUSA National competition outlines white shirt and black pants, we are allowing some leeway since the competition is primarily in house. Business Casual. Please don’t buy anything. I have SkillsUSA Polos and can give your one if you don’t think you have a shirt that will pass. Talk to me today if you need a shirt to wear.
Weather – if we have a weather cancellation or delay, we will host all competition on Friday, April 5th. We’ll follow the same times as the fourth. So Animation and Web teams will begin promptly at 8am with the Game teams at 10:10am.
Resumes. Please email your resume prior to Thursday. Or hand a hard copy to me. This is a SkillsUSA requirement.
Next Week Schedules:
Monday, April 8th – no school for everyone – it’s the eclipse
Tuesday, April 9th – Workkeys WorkPlace Documents testing for: Kevin, Nick, Logan, Aiden, Richard
Wednesday, April 10th – Workkeys Math testing for: Logan, Aiden
Thursday/Friday April 11th-12th No School for BFA-Fairfax students (Logan)
If your name is not listed for Tuesday or Wednesday – Congratulations, you have those days off.
If your name is listed for Tuesday or Wednesday, you are required to stay at school until 2:45pm unless you have a parent call you out after you complete your testing. (that might be a wise idea)
Skills USA

Check out Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics

Check out Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics

Over the next two days you will tackle the State competition from 2022. Obviously ignore the times. DO READ everything carefully!
Link to Competition Materials
This project is due at 1:25pm on Wednesday. I’ll meet with each team to go over your work. Label and place in the team Web Folder on Public Drive. You can delete your work from Monday.

12:25 – 12:55 Lunch