Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Today is a CTE Red Day
Visitors today (5 visitors). English will begin at 11:05am. Break will begin at 10:55am Visitors will rotate every 6 minutes, so not too much time with your visitor.
- Jerry
- Brodey
- Nick
- Alex
- Philip
Food Drive – won by Cosmetology – next time
10:10 Modeling our Swing
Yesterday you all did a model of a swing set. Let’s open those models and begin to add the swing. To help with the swing and to get the right movement, we’ll add an armature to the swing. Then, we’ll add the bird.
The trickiest part of this whole scene will be to get the parenting of the bird correct. If there is time this morning, we’ll animate our swing and add some animations to the bird including some drag!
10:30 Visitors – or Modeling for PSA
Vermont Highway Safety Alliance
In a couple of weeks we are going to tackle an animation project with the Vermont Highway Safety Alliance. If you do well, not only will you improve your modeling and animation skills (and get a good grade), you might even win some money. The last three years the VHSA has given out over $3000 in prizes and CAWD2 students have won some of that cash!
- 2023 we won People’s Choice Award and 2 Honorable mentions
- 2022 we won first place and AT&T Sponsor’s Choice
- 2021 we won second place and Sponsor’s Award
What: Create a 25 second YouTube video on the dangers of distracted driving.
This is a PSA – Public Service Announcement
The goal is to produce a video that will engage new drivers and highlight the dangers of distracted driving. We’ll make ours a 3D animation.
For now, let’s focus on an Asset Brainstorm…
Each CAWD2 student will commit to five assets. Everyone must make a road sign and a car, so that leaves you with three other choices to create.
Hmm… what could you create?
To start and for today: Divide paper or sketchbook into 6 squares. Use five of those squares to sketch out your asset pack. Put your name and any other details (design info, color ideas, aesthetic your after) in the 6th square.
This Paper 5 pack will be your pre-production planning. Pre-production is Essential to staying on task, on time and within your deliverables.
Your goal is to complete your pre-production sketches this week. When I see your sketches, I’ll approve you to move your designs into production models.
All of us will have access to the models. What we make will be for you and the community.
10:55 Break
11:05 English with Mx. Yopp
11:50 Happy Bird Animation continued….
12:25 – 12:55 Lunch
12:55 Independent Reading
1:20 Break
1:30 Design Challenge
1:55 Production Time and Guided Support
- Pre-production sketches (Vermont Highway Safety Alliance)
- Bird Animation
- Bird Swing Animation
2:40 Dailies
Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive