Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Today is a CTE Red Day
Python Announcement
LTA Assignment – Let’s Review some details
Halloween Costume and Picture next week
10:10 After Effects – Adding a Plugin and Some FX shenanigans
The goal of working with After Effects has been to get you more comfortable adding and complimenting your animation and digital footage. Be it Blender Animations, photography or cinema production for a personal YouTube channel or stream, having a better understanding of industry tools will just make your productions that much better and put you a cut above.
This morning, we’ll play with a Third Party Plug-in to AE. We’ll go over some basics for today. You’ll want to play around and see the kinds of things you can create.
We’ll do three projects together to give you a better understanding of how to use this effect.
Directions are in this resource document
You’ll need to install the Video CoPilot Saber Plug In. Here is the link to the downloads page.
Hopefully we’ll have a little time to play around at the end. What will you come up with.
10:50 Break
11:00 English
11:50 Making a Double Exposure in Photoshop
To build on what we did yesterday, let’s look at Blending Modes. We’ll take a photo and use the masking and blend modes to create a simple double exposure image.
Primarily we’ll be using the Screen Blending Mode.
Screen Blending looks at each channel’s color information and multiplies the inverse of the blend and base colors. The result color is always a lighter color. Screening with black leaves the color unchanged. Screening with white produces white. The effect is similar to projecting multiple photographic slides on top of each other.
I’ve got a couple of sample images we’ll use to see this effect in action.
Image of Vermont – download to desktop
PineTree Image – download to desktop
A full explanation of Blending Modes from Adobe
A link to a resource document on the procedure we did in class.
Your Assignment
Using your mastery of blending modes, color adjustments and multiple layering, you will create 2 original Double Exposures of your own. You must use at least one of your own photos in each of the compositions.
Filename: DoubleExposure1_Lastname.jpg and DoubleExposure2_Lastname.jpg
This project is due on Monday, October 20th and can be submitted via Google Classroom
You may need to adjust your image sizes.
12:25 – 12:55 Lunch
12:55 Independent Reading
1:20 Break
1:30 Design Challenge
1:55 Production Time and Guided Support
- Past Due Work
- CAWD Sweatshirt – Digital Design
- Silhouette Assignment – from yesterday dayplan
- Double Exposures
- Horror Project touch ups
2:40 Dailies
Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive