Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |

(Sunday, September 3rd)
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Welcome to Week 2
Today is an CTE Red Day. If you have afternoon classes they begin at 1:25pm:
- Ariel
- Philip
- Andrew
- Xavier
- Paperwork – I have most of the paperwork but am still missing a few releases from some of you.
- You have English today in room D105 (go there straight from break today)
- Books – we’ll begin reading after lunch – have a book
- This is Week Two – if you are organized, your Google Drive should reflect it!
10:10 CCV – CAWD2 heads to College!

CCV classes begin this Friday
Classes run from 10:15am-1pm each Friday from Sept. 8th to Dec. 15th with the exception of Thanksgiving
The bus will leave CTE at 10am sharp – students need to meet Ms. Emmy Charron in the EHS lobby at 9:55 at the absolute latest. Your attendance will be taken.
Students will get back around 1:15. I will let Rich Wright know for cafeteria/lunch details. You should grab (and eat) breakfast before you get on the bus.
The Python and Drawing classes are not pass / fail. You will receive a grade from your CCV instructor. That grade has nothing to do with your CAWD2 grade. If you fall behind, you need to communicate with your professor. It is your responsibility to manage your work outside of class. I cannot help you.
Friday afternoons (when we return from CCV) will be designated for CCV work / 20% projects.
10:15 Monday Mail (on a Tuesday!) – let’s see what everyone is saying….

Every Monday (or in this case Tuesday) for five minutes you are going to check your email for any updates, new mail, etc… The school and professionals in the workplace use email (generally) as a primary tool for communication. Delete or archive email that you do not need anymore. We are going to practice keeping a clean inbox and responding and staying up to date on communications from the school, colleges and colleagues.
You can also set up filters for your email, unsubscribe from email lists and customize your inbox.
10:20 Photography – Vocabulary Blitz
Learning something new usually includes new vocabulary. As we encounter new vocab terms, I’ll add them to the whiteboard. You are encouraged to use these terms when communicating about photography.
Today we’ll do some word sorting.
Photography Terms and Concepts Cheat Sheet
10:50 Break

11:00 English / Literacy with Mx. Yopp – D105 (next to Student Services)

11:55 Photography – Camera Shoot Out
Short photography session outside. The purpose of this time is to practice setting up your camera.
Our Goals today:
- Shoot in Automatic Mode with Manual Focus
- Practice focusing for crisp photos
- Frame up some shots that capture nature
12:25 – 12:55 Lunch

12:55 Independent Reading

1:20 Break

1:30 Design Challenge

1:55 Production Time and Guided Support
- Vermont Zoo Polygon Animal using Adobe Illustrator is due today
- 8 Element Slideshow from our photography sessions is past due
- 20% – What would you like to tackle / learn?
2:40 Dailies

Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive