Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
As you will / can see I am not in today. My furnace broke. I’m home working with Vermont Gas to repair. It’s a SkillsUSA day. Use all of your time.
Today is a Wacky Wednesday – no visitors!
519 Visitors this season (not just CAWD) – thank you to all that worked with visitors, it makes a difference and Mr. Cronin and I appreciate the time you spend with them. There is only one more visitor day – March 7th.
Call Backs: Ariel – after reading 12:55pm / Brodey – Math 12:55pm
Baked Goods – sign up on the board – bring in a cookie/brownie/cake/pie/….
Favorite Baked Items Survey – XAVIER
SkillsUSA is the plan today – read over your contest area carefully.
10:10 SkillsUSA
Each team will have different work this morning based on your chosen competition:
Read your teams assignments carefully. A big part of the competition is being able to follow the guidelines that are written for each competition.
By Friday at lunch – create a folder with your two names on the Public inside of the weeks “skillsUSA” folder. The folder is found at Public/CAWD. For example if Mr. Cronin and Mr. Bohmann were working together the folder would be:
- “croninBohmann”
Create your folder in the discipline you are working in. DO THIS FIRST
See Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics – read carefully
See Mr. Cronin’s Dayplan for specifics – read carefully
For this week, you are back with your team member for Web. As a team you will be working together.
Your folder will be your last name. All web items will be have all the deliverables inside your team folder. 12:25 Thursday is your deadline!
This Week’s Project – move a website to a more modern design. This will be a Full Website redesign of the landing page so – just the main page of the Puppy Ranch
This project will test out your layout, design, navigation, color, fonts, media management, inspector tools and allows for a lot of creativity. I am not looking for the same page. I am looking for an entire redesign of this landing page that is more modern using to content you find ont the main page.
On Thursday by 12:25pm – Upload your completed project to your folder.
In your web folder you will have:
- One single webpage. It will be called index.html
- Images will be in an images folder
- CSS stylesheet will be in a css folder
- Font folder for fonts if you are using fonts you have to download
- Your project needs a color palette
- Your project will have a rough wireframe (take a pic and upload to your folder)
- A Wireframe is a rough layout of what you will be creating.
- You can use a scratch piece of paper for that
- Last – look over the checklist with your partner. Then test to see that I will be able to view everything in your submission folder! and that your webpage works.
As always, validate your code – HTML / CSS. Practice commenting and organizing your code.
10:50 Break
11:55 Lunch
12:25 Independent Reading
12:50 Break
1:00 Production Time and Guided Support
- PSA Work – Asset Modeling
- Past Due Work
1:50 Dailies
Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive