Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Today is a Wacky Wednesday
- Callbacks:
- SkillsUSA available at 11:00 due to NTHS rehearsal Thursday morning from 10:15 – 11:15. All of it is still due Friday at 12:25.
- NTHS tomorrow night! for NTHS members. Those students are here by 5:40. Ceremony at 6pm
- 3rd Quarter ends Friday – ANY missing work must be turned in by Friday at the EOD for credit. Work due next week is technically part of the 4th quarter as it is due … in the 4th quarter.
- So PSA Last Looks
- Bendy Bones Animation
- SkillsUSA Project for this week
10:10 Unity – Adding our Own Character to Our Unity Landscape Environment
The last couple days we rigged our T Pose character, brought in to Unity. We also created terrain. Now, let’s get our character running through Unity with a 3rd person character controller.
We’ll need 1 asset from the Asset Store. – Invector Third Person Controller – Free Asset
Let me show you how to configure.
10:30 Reflections –
Use this window to complete your Reading Reflection Rubric. I made this one digital.
Use this window to complete your Employability and Work Traits reflection. Be sure to include what you want to work on in Q4. You have one quarter left to accomplish those goals. I made this digital too.
When you are done with both reflections – you may move on to your PSA work or Bendy Bones animations!
10:50 Break
11:00 PSA Work or SkillsUSA
You asked, I’m listening. This is time to get your Q3 final deliverables done. Ask me for help. That is what I am here for. For you!
11:55 Lunch
12:25 Independent Reading
12:50 Break
1:00 Production Time and Guided Support
- Last Looks PSA – Due Friday
- Sponge or Lipstick Animation using Bendy Bones – Friday
- SkillsUSA project
- LipSync – April 10th (that is Q4, so don’t do this until the other 3 are done)
1:50 Dailies
Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive