Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance

Today is a Wacky Wednesday
Call Backs: Portfolio Work Time today with Mx. Yopp if you need it
Student Leadership Mtg. Noon
10:10 Tilemaps
Super Mario pretty much put Tilemaps on the Map! Tilemaps, like pixel art are fun and challenging to make and with Unity, can be easily painted in to a scene. Depending on your needs, you may have many different tilemaps or just a few. For example you may have a tilemap for the sky, for the ground elements and for your platforms

Tilemaps palettes are imported like sprite sheets – as a group or individually.
The Unity Asset Store has a bunch of free platformer tilesets you can use. I have one for you for today’s lesson. You can download it from my Google Drive. Download so we can play around and test the workflow. We’ll cover:
- Opening in Photoshop and looking at a sprite sheet
- Exporting and slicing sprite sheets
- Creating Tilemap Grids
- 2D Object > TileMap > Rectangular
- Window > 2D > Tile Palette
- Saving/ Loading the Palette
- Painting Tiles
Your Task: Create a Room with two exits and some internal walls or obstacles or create a platformer with ground, platforms and objects/obstacles. You can work outside of the scene mode. Afterall, a platform moves left to right (most of the time) or you can build a nice big top down world.
The goal here is to get comfortable using tiles on the grid / sorting layers and making palettes. Be sure to include a collider for your tiles – called a tilemap collider.
If you want your tilemap collider to work well, think about how many layers you have in your tilemap grid.
When complete with your room, take a screen shot and place in the community slide deck. Community Slide Deck. You have editing rights.
If you want to run around in your world (Dungeon Crawler Style), grab my player movement code and place on your player. Blinky Guy Sprite Sheet if you want to test Animation
Some more props if you want to add some props to your scene.

10:50 Break

11:00 Build a Game Workblock

This is an individual assignment. However, use the following pairings as your assistant in case you have some code problems. Use each other / help each other.
- Miah / Alex
- Brodey / John / Richard
- Sparky / Kevin
- Logan / Ariel
- Xavier / Josh
- Philip / Nick
- Aiden / Finn

Refer to the notes from yesterday about what you need to get started.
11:55 Lunch

12:25 Independent Reading

12:50 Break

1:00 Production Time and Guided Support
- One Button Game proposal – past due
- SpriteSheet – due Today
- Exploring Game Careers – Due Friday
- Breakout Game – Due next Wednesday
- TileMap Room Design – due today!
1:50 Dailies

Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive