Class Hours: 9:40 – 1:45
Mr. Cronin
- I have returned – probably at 50% functionality. We are going to skip articles and Moscow today as I just don’t think I have it in me.
- This Thursday, TOMRROW Sept. 12th CTE Back to School Night: 6:00 – 7:30 This will provide families and students an opportunity to meet with teachers and tour their programs and classrooms. EHS will also be holding their Open House that evening. Come say hi!
- Today is an early release Wednesday!
10:05 Attendance
10:10 Turning Work in From Week 2

This morning we are going to learn how to use the scanner, and get our work uploaded to the “week_2” folder on the Public drive.
This is what is due today:
Castle Project
- lastNameCastle_1.jpg through lastNameCastle_3.jpg
Design Homework 2 – Free Choice
- lastNameDH_2.jpg
Week 2 Agency
- lastNameAgency_1.jpg through lastNameAgency_3.jpg
10:40 CAWD goes out to where our fire drill rally location will be.

- When the alarm goes off we all move to this location.
- I have to take and hand in attendance outside – you must get their quickly and stay together.
- I will take you there and then we are at break from there, so you can come back in with me, or go to the main door that goes to the cafe.
10:50 Morning Break (10 minutes)

11:00 Blender

- Applying materials to different parts of a model.
11:10 Blender

- Glow with Eevee – FAKING IT
11:30 Blender

- Glow with Cycles – Accurate, but it takes a while.
11:55 Lunch

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:25 Attendance
12:30 Afternoon Practice & Production

This afternoon I want you to take the glow lessons from this morning, and apply them to your Energy Cell Projects. This is the perfect time to apply the glow, ask questions, etc.
I may end up just answering questions on the lead machine to avoid giving you anything, but we can create examples, answer questions, etc.
Power Cell
- lastNamePowerCell_1.jpg through lastNamePowerCell_3.jpg.
Design Homework 3 – Futuristic Power Cell x 4
- lastNameDH_3.jpg
Week 3 Agency
- lastNameAgency_1.jpg through lastNameAgency_3.jpg
1:20 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

1:30 Afternoon Practice & Production

10 minutes until dailies!
1:40 Dailies

1:45 Dismissal