Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Week One
Three Day weekend ahead
CCV – details – First class is Friday, September 6th
The Bus to CCV leaves at 10am sharp. Arrive at main lobby at EHS to check-in with me and Ms. Charron. If you have a morning class, plan to leave that class by 9:50. I’ll repeat this note and other details in many, many more day plans.
Today is a CTE – B day Thursdays / Fridays – applies to Aidan
10:10 Adobe Illustrator – Sketch to Template

Yes, you can make vector graphics from images and sketches. Let’s look at the workflow this morning while reviewing some of the work we did yesterday.
Groups and Group Selection Tool (file we’ll be using is called groups_skeleton)
Symbols (file we’ll be using is symbols_truck)
Swatch Libraries from Adobe Color (from an image)
- Importing as Template – there are some presets that can make this work faster
- Importing as image tracing
- We’ll use the Essentials Classic workspace to assist us (access to image trace menu)
- Making vector graphics from sketches is a great way to digitize your ideas and can make prototyping faster (for things like icons, logos and branding).
We’ll practice with the Food Truck sketch I made.
Advanced Image Trace Panel:
- Paths: Dragging the Paths slider to the right makes the paths fit tighter to the original “shape” (more anchor points), whereas dragging to the left makes the paths fit looser (less anchor points).
- Corners: Dragging the slider to the right makes more corner points, and dragging the slider to the less makes more smooth points.
Activity: You Try
Create a Sketch of your own. Import as image trace
10:50 Break

11:00 CAWD2 ID Photos

Let’s go meet Mrs. Fisher in Cosmo2 and get our IDs taken care of. We’ll all walk back together when the photos are completed.
11:20 Digital Photography Introduction

Digital Photography 1
Your Canon T3i and T7 are dependable cameras for shooting automatic and manual mode photography, including video.
- Distribution of Cameras
- Camera SetUp
- Managing your new equipment
You should have in your camera bag 2 lenses along with a strap, battery and battery charger. It is your responsibility to keep you camera in working order each day. We’ll practice assembling and disassembling the camera each day we use the cameras. Why? (because you might have to do it in the dark, or have to change lenses in the middle of a shoot – time is money!)
Activity – We’ll do some basics to properly set up our cameras. Starting with the menu button and then working our way around some of the button and icons around the body of the camera. Topics:
- Camera Setup
- Menus / Formatting / Guide Overlay/ Shooting Formats (more on RAW later)
- Focusing
- Shooting Modes
- Light (but only the basics)
- Vocabulary
11:55 or so Photo Scavenger Hunt
We’ll head outside and move around between the small garden & fields.
Using Automatic Mode, practice some shots. Make sure you capture these eight elements:
- Light
- Shadow
- Line
- Shape
- Texture
- Color
- Size
- Depth
We’ll return to the classroom when we are done. Friday we’ll view your shots.
12:25 – 12:55 Lunch

12:55 Independent Reading

1:20 Break

1:30 Design Challenge

1:55 Production Time and Guided Support
- Vermont Zoo Polygonal Art Project – Due September 4th
- Turn in CRAP Principles of Design as PDF to Google Classroom (now due)
2:38 Dailies

Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive