Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
- We have a visitor today (from BFA)- later part of the day. I’ll likely work with that visitor – arriving at 2:10pm
- Penny Wars Ended – over $500 raised which will be sent to the Ronald McDonald House, a local organization that helps families access medical care and resources
- Student Leadership Committee is hosting Popcorn and Hot Chocolate during lunch on Friday
- Last day of the quarter and CTE grades is Friday, January 24th.
- Seat Changes – we’ll tackle the seat changes for second semester on Monday, January 27th after we look at the SkillsUSA breakdown (Skills will kick off on January 23rd)
- Today’s goal is to finish the portfolio.
- Today’s goal is to finish the portfolio.
- Today’s goal is to finish the portfolio.
- Today’s goal is to finish the portfolio.
- We’ll present Portfolios next week Wednesday at 10:15am until we are done! Alternative day will be Thursday if you are sick. After that, the quarter ends and so does grading.
- Done is better than perfect! Know your deliverables. Manage your time.
- Don’t forget to set up a time with your usability tester. Update your website based on feedback. Be sure to update your Performance Task sheet with your findings and re-submit to Google Classroom.
Usability Testing – some of you are close….What to Expect / Do
- Make sure your portfolio is on the server.
- Schedule a time to meet with your reviewer. Be on time
- Introduce yourself and thank them for participating
- Encourage your tester to talk out-loud about what they are doing
- Open your site address and continue with your script (you should know your site address!)
- Use your script and read each performance task
- When you return to the classroom, summarize the results of your usability meeting.
Assignment found in Google Classroom – from last week. Make notes at the bottom and resubmit.
- You must meet with at least one person. I highly recommend you meet with two. I would!
- After meeting with your person, thank them. Also, send a thank you email. Very professional – just like you.
10:15 Portfolio – Row Share – Lightning Round
Meet with your row members (take turns), share your portfolio. Ask the question:
- What is one thing that you like or that stands out to you?
- What is one thing that I should fix?
Give each other feedback
Sticky Note Showdown

The sticky note showdown is a declaration of what you are going to accomplish today. Write on your sticky note what you intend to complete today. Write your name on it. Paste it under the “Showdown” section on the Whiteboard. At the end of the day, you will be able to remove the sticky note and proclaim yourself the showdown winner. If you don’t complete it, it will be there tomorrow and you lost the showdown today (and are left for dead).
Portfolio WorkSession

10:50 Break

11:00 Employability Self Reflection & SMART Goals

Unity is the Game Engine we will be using in class. Unity Hub is the program you launch when you want to access your files, create a new project, install a new editor and do some micro learning.
We’ll be using Unity 6 Editor. There are a pile of changes from the editor I used last year. I’ll be learning them alongside you. I don’t know all the changes.
In preparation for making our first game and learning more about the Unity Game Engine please;
- Install Unity 6 Editor
- Create a New Project – (Universal 3D Core)
- Name: 3D_FirstSteps
- Location: Create a Folder on your desktop – Unity Games 2025
- assign the folder as the location for your first project
- Unity projects can not be stored or called from Google Drive
The game environment will take about 10 minutes to create, or longer the first time. When all Unity projects are created, I’ll do a quick walk through of the interface – and I want to check your code editor.
11:55 – 12:25 Lunch

12:25 – 1:20 Code Sprint

1:30-1:55 Independent Reading

1:55 – 2:38 Code Sprint
2:38 Dailies

Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive