Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
CCV Order your tasty lunch for Friday after college
Long Term Photography project due next week!
Some students may be out today because of the election – plan with your groups best you can!
10:10 The Force
Groups, start with a Scrum Meeting

Quick Meeting –
- I am working on…
- I am going to finish…
Production Time with your Group. Things you might consider…
- Test filming
- Review Trello Board
- Make a list of props
- Work on Storyboard (requirement)
- Scout location
- Test special effects
- Work on scripts
- Outline job responsibilities
- Organizing of assets
- Communication plan if someone is out…
10:50 Break

11:00 English with Mx. Yopp

11:50 – 12:25 May the Force Be With You
Group Work Time on the Star Wars Fan Film

12:25 – 12:55 Lunch

12:55 The Force – Project Work Time

1:20 Break

1:30 Independent Reading

1:55 Independent or Work Group Time

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