Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Today is a Wacky Wednesday.
Call Backs:
Your Goal today and tomorrow is to finish up your project. Make sure you have looked at the deliverables. I highly encourage teams to view their projects as a group and identify areas that can be improved. You’ve had lots of time on this project – use all of it.
10:10 Scrum Meeting – Star Wars Fan Films
Groups, start with a Scrum Meeting

Quick Meeting –
- I am working on…
- I am going to finish…
Production Time with your Group. Things you might consider…
- Review Trello Board
- Make a list of props
- Work on Storyboard (requirement)
- Scout location
- Test special effects
- Work on scripts
- Outline job responsibilities
- Test filming
10:50 Break

11:00 Star Wars Fan Films Continued

Filming with your Canon t3i and t7 cameras.
- Clean SD Card – helpful
- Manual Focus – more predictable
- Settings – Movie Exposure – Auto
- Settings – Movie Rec. Size 1920 x 1080 at 30fps
- Settings – Sound Recording -Auto
- TriPod – very helpful
Today is is all about ABP
Always Be Productive | Always Be Producing | Always Be Proactive
11:55 Lunch

12:25 Independent Reading

12:50 Break

1:00 Production Time and/Call Backs
1:50 Dailies

Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive