Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |

10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Today is a Wacky Wednesday | Call Backs:
Cultural Diversity Day
CCV Order your tasty lunch for Friday after college
Fire Drill tomorrow at 2pm – just a head’s up
First Draft Resumes – you’ll see a drop box in Google Classroom – upload there – this is ungraded, I just want to get a starting point of what you finished last year.
10:10 Leading Lines in Photography

What Are Leading Lines in Photography?
Leading lines are lines that appear in a photograph that have been framed and positioned by the photographer to draw the viewer’s eye towards a specific point of interest. These lines often draw the viewer’s eye in a specific direction or towards a designated portion of the photograph.

4 Types of Leading Lines in Photography
Some of the categories of leading lines include:
Horizontal lines: Horizontal leading lines are often found in nature and landscape photography. Often used when shooting with a wide-angle lens. The image below is also using the rule of thirds well – just look at the break between the road and the car.

Vertical lines: Vertical lines draw the eye up or down the composition and can be used to convey status within your picture. Vertical leading lines are often found in fashion photography and street photography.
In Cinematography, shots like the one below can be used to demonstrate power.

Diagonal lines: Diagonal lines are used to create a sense of movement and change. If you’re working with a large depth of field like in the image below, try experimenting with diagonal lines to accentuate the sense of depth in your image. Really cool color divisions in this photo too

Converging lines: If there are converging lines present in your frame, it’s best practice to situate the subject of the image at the axis of these leading lines. A good example of this is Matt’s railroad track image below.

– QUICK READ (4 minutes)
Wildlife Photography Award Winners – can you see the compositional photography in the images?
10:30 Morning Photo Walk
About 20 minutes. Using manual mode we’ll head out to the front of the school and near the library. We are going to shoot some foliage and look for some leading lines to guide our compositions. Proper Exposure and in focus subject. So what f/stop would be good for in focus foreground and background?
What Lens should we choose? Chances are we want a wide depth of field.
Assignment / Deliverables:
When we return from our photo walk today:
- Look through your photos. Pick your best example of leading lines. Edit as necessary (maybe you shot in RAW and need to covert to a .jpg)
- Open in Photoshop and draw on the leading lines you captured by creating a new layer
- You will save two jpgs.
- One without the leading lines drawn in and one with the leading lines drawn in.
- You’ve done this correctly if your image has drawn leading lines visible on your image
Filename: LeadingLines_Lastname.jpg and LeadingLines2.jpg
This project is due by the end of the day today – Place in the Leading Lines dropbox.

10:50 Break

11:00 Group Project – Halloween Projection Loop
Let’s Build on the work we did yesterday and practice Agile Project Management by doing a small project together.
Why Horror / Halloween Projection Video? Creepy is the season – October is upon us. Plus you get to add all the cool effects like adjusting curves, tint, noise, color correction, smoke, crystals, stretch, distortion, smear, (need I go on) and a pile of other effects found in After Effects. You can add your own animations, stock video and so on – just make it creepy and Halloween Themed. Scotty’s example yesterday is a good start.
Why Group Project – we live and work with others. This is an easy project to coordinate responsibilities and roles. Don’t let your personal limits on working with groups define you. Practice, practice, practice. Hey we all can learn to dance and it gets easier (and less embarrassing) and more fun!
The Deliverables: (You know you are done when….)
- Your group has three minutes of video to include:
- Animated Text – Halloween Themed
- Scary or Halloween content with visual effect editing
- Audio for your video
- Exporting as .mp4 (1920 by 1080)
- Trello Board (with a To do, Doing and Done columns) – shared with Mr. Bohmann
Unsplash and Pexels are great places to go to grab commercial free licensed work.
YouTube Audio Library
Free Music Archive – Search by music style
Incompetech – Royalty free music
Mr. B’s ProTips for a successful project:
Idea brainstorm – all ideas welcome / vote to decide
Define Roles – some participants might have multiple
File Management – how to handle
Daily Scrum (what are you working on, what do you need, what’s next)
Preview work together
Agree on when the project is complete
How will your group divide up the work? Who is your Scrum Master? Who will create the Trello Board? What are all of the To-Do items? Is watching the final edit a to-do item?- I think so!
Being an effective group member means you have to participate. The best way to participate is to share what you like to work on and what you are good at (or comfortable with).
Time: You will have 90 minutes of work time on Thursday in addition to 75 minutes next week divided up over two days.
Deadline: First draft viewing on Wednesday, October 23rd
Better Boeing
Quick Station
11:30 Personal Logo Showcase

Let’s check out your logos. Did you add any effects? Did you have any creative breakthroughs? Did you like/dislike this project? Do you have something to say about your logo – this is your opportunity!
Creative inspiration, technical approach, workflow…. lots of areas you can talk about
This is also a really good time to get some feedback and the purpose for sharing your logo
- Say two things you like and something you wish or would like to suggest
- For those providing feedback – 2 stars and a wish
- for example, I really like the colors and the font you chose, I wish you had some additional animation like changing the scale and opacity as I think that would help the logo stand out more
11:55 Lunch

12:25 Independent Reading

12:50 Break

1:00 Production Time and Guided Support
Current Assignments:
- Leading Lines project from today – due end of day
- Lower Thirds – Due Monday
- Sweatshirt Design – finish paper design to get approved to start digital design
- Resubmit Personal Logo Animation after incorporating feedback – Due, Monday October 21st
- Vermont Foliage project – keep taking those pictures!
1:50 Dailies

Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive