Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance

Today is a Wacky Wednesday and an early release
Missing Forms – Don’t Make me call Home!!
- Scott Costello-Terifay
- Ben Martin
- Braden Simpson
- Gabriela Statnic
Call Backs: None so far
See notes – CTE Queer Alliance meetings
CCV JS class – bring in ideas for your final project
10:10 College & Career Planning
Focus Question: How do I successfully transition from high school to a lifetime of learning?

Ms. Emmy Charron, our program counselor, will be in today to share strategies for college planning. We’ll explore some tools and resources together. Open up your document from yesterday.
What were some of the big questions from yesterday?
Let’s add two sections.
- Resources
- Majors
Presentation with links to resources that you can add to your document.
10:50 Break

11:00 Manual Like a Boss

The three main pillars of photography are Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO
The goal with every image is proper exposure and focus (composition is a close third)

Manual Mode shooting on your camera allows you to have control over the entire camera. This means that when you prepare to take a photo, you get to decide:
- focal length
- Aperture
- shutter speed
- exposure
That’s a lot to think about and you will get confused! I can tell you from experience, this is a pile of information to think about.
A handy tool to help you get the correct exposure is the Light Meter.

Exposure is determined by two things
- The amount of light in the scene.
- The speed of your sensor ISO
Exposure is controlled by two things:
- Shutter Speed
- Aperture (f-stop)
Manual Mode Scavenger Hunt
Shoot all of the following items on this scavenger hunt list in Manual (M) Mode. Remember to make sure each shot is in focus, correctly exposed (indicator reads zero or close to it) and you have used good composition. I am here to help you. Please, Please ask questions
For this exercise you may shoot jpegs. S1 is perfect.
- Shoot a macro (that means close up) shot of a plant with shallow depth of field (blurry background)
- Shoot a landscape shot with a deep depth of field
- Shoot someone jumping in the air outside ….. freeze the action
- Shoot someone spinning around in circles … create blurred action
- Shoot a portrait (face fills the frame) with shallow depth of field and blurry background
- Shoot something from an interesting point of view
- Shoot a subject using framing.
- Shoot a vertical shot
When done. Open and view your images in Adobe Bridge.
Clean up any photos you need to and edit as necessary using Camera Raw or Photoshop.
Create a Contact Sheet with all of your photos.
To Create a contact sheet in Bridge: Go to the Output view, Under Template, select Custom, then set up as 2 columns x 4 rows. Drag your images to the contact sheet. When done, Export to PDF
Filename: FirstName.Lastname_ScavengerHunt.PDF
Drop in Google Classroom dropbox when complete. Due by end of day today / start of day tomorrow if you are not here in the afternoon.
11:35 CTE Queer Alliance – (interested students are excused to attend)
(if you attend, you are still expected to complete the photo scavenger hunt)

11:55 Lunch

12:25 Independent Reading

12:50 Break

1:00 Production Time and Guided Support
- Apple Orchard Shoot Out – past due
- Full Frame Photos (autos) – Due Thursday, September 19th
- 2 Pack Logo & Digital Design – Due Monday, September 23rd
- Composition Photography – Due Tuesday, September 24th
- Scavenger Hunt – Manual Mode Photos in Contact Sheet – Due today
1:50 Dailies

Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive